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I clean MOST of my room myself.
I honestly don't really give a crap. I could live with swipping the dust once a month, but for some reason it needs to be done once a week.

Anyway, now it's gonna be awkward with me in the house and all.

Oh, edit:

My dad finally picked what I'm listening to in return for him listening to another Maiden album:
Dvorak's Symphony no.9 in E minor, op.95.
Anyway, what should I give him? I gave him SSoaSS and he said it was crap (at that point I disowned him) and he said that Phantom of the Opera was better, but still not good.
Don't diss Dvorak :D If he is into classical and doesn't like what you've given him so far I'd just give up now.
My dad wasn't much into Maiden until I played him Bruce's Man Of Sorrows and Tears Of The Dragon. Those songs really helped him to appreciate Bruce's singing.
Mega said:
My dad finally picked what I'm listening to in return for him listening to another Maiden album:
Dvorak's Symphony no.9 in E minor, op.95.


What? You are actually complaining about that? Dvorák's 9th Symphony (aka "From the New World") is one of the greatest pieces of music ever composed. There was a time when I played nothing but that all day, for a week or two, and it may be the only piece of classical music I know by heart, note for note. You should thank your father for picking it.

EDIT: In fact, I'm going to put it on right now...
I just said the word Jesus, don't crucify me!

Anyway, yeah, I don't really like classical music. I like it a bit in small doses, but not if it's long and tedious. We'll see I guess.
For the record, I decided to listen to Tchaikovski's Nutcracker all by myself, so that's something! ;)

@Dokken: His favorite band is Pink Floyd. He mostly listenes to stuff from the 70's, classical music is something he got from his father.

@Travis: You know, the main reason he doesn't like Maiden is because of Bruce. And after playing him some Bruce songs he said he was better solo, but he still didn't even want to consider.
Now that I think of it - during Sunday dinners my family would usually have some classical music on the stereo. Dvorák's 9th Symphony was actually one of the most frequently played ones.
My parents used to do that as well. This one was one of the most frequent ones too, next to any given Beethoven symphony. I really liked that a lot better than the same old oldie hit compilations they started playing at some point on every occasion.
Perun said:
Dvorák's 9th Symphony (aka "From the New World") is one of the greatest pieces of music ever composed.

What Perun said.  That's my favorite symphony.  For classical music newbies, it's also pretty darn recognizable. You've heard it before.  (Heck, even if you've never actually heard it before, parts of it should sound familiar.  The famous music from the film Jaws shamelessly ripped off the first few bars of the fourth movement.)

Perun and other Dvorak fans:  You should check out Dvorak's piano quintet.  It's chamber music, which is a little less ballsy than a symphony, but it's awesome.  His cello concerto is also a must for any classical music collection.
It would've been fun to hear that, thanks for the spoilers cfh ;)

Just woke up from a nap. God I love naps.

I was listening to Black Sabbath and The Warning was playing. My mom got in to get something from the closet when Wicked World started. When she got out of the room she closed the door, then a second later she got back in and asked "what song is that?". I told her, and she said, and I qoute: "hmm, not bad".

I'm so getting my mom into Sabbath now.
Mega said:
It would've been fun to hear that, thanks for the spoilers cfh ;)
Whoops, sorry if I spoiled something.  Didn't realize it was to be a surprise.  If you listen to the symphony straight through rather than skipping to the fourth movement, you'll still get that "hey!" moment.  Actually, the Jaws bit is only about 10 seconds, and it isn't even the most memorable theme in that movement, let alone the whole symphony.  Plus, I like reading scholarly commentary about symphonies as I'm listening to them, and would recommend you do the same.  This particular symphony has a somewhat interesting back-story regarding its musical influences. 
I was kidding, relax!

Got Heavy Rain's move edition today, amd now recondisering buying the PS move.
It's a waste of money.
Hey, I didn't quit yet! I can still get him, muahaha.
I think I'll put together a mix of their best quiter songs, with as little Bruce high notes as possible.

That won't be easy.