Let's try and get 1,000,000 replies to this post

Don Dokken said:
fine. merry christmas. (even though it's not christmas out here for another 2 hours.

:bigsmile: It was about sms, Don. Professional kind of stuff. There are lots of wishes here, in the Xmas thread, no complains. You live in West Cost, I presume...

EDIT: Thanks! Have a merry Christmas too!
LooseCannon said:
Because it's not the same on the computer.
It looks the same to me. Well at least just like the original Super Nintendo version. Does the Wii version look better or do you mean its not the same for a different reason?
I mean to say, I have greater success replicating the feeling I had Christmas morning, 1991, when I tore open my copy of LTTP and stuck it in for the first time when I am looking at a TV and have a controller in my hand.
I'm taking a leave soon and I thought it will be awful to bring both laptops with me. Since I purchased my Mac, I have a big dislike to use mortal laptops anymore. (I never tried VAIO though, they have a good reputation). And as I'll have some work to do, I copied all the vessel's piping drawings from my job's laptop in my Mac, to see what it gets. The result is absolutely fabulous, even though my job's laptop has a much wider screen (3").

In case that Jobs decides to update the 13" in the way he did for 15 &17" (bigger processor & HD screen) I'll buy the new one and give this one, or sell it. If not, I'll stick here, waiting the next update. Patience. We'll know end January.
Funny, I was thinking of you when I wrote this  :D
Also I'm watching Hostel and right now is the part where the 3 friends are in Amsterdam...
I started TLOZ, TLOZ2, LTTP, OOT and TP and quit at some point, it's a curse.

I did finish TLOZ at some point, 2 sucked, I'll be going back to LTTP at some point and I'll play OOT for the 3DS when it comes out.

Can you use a regular wiimote for smes emulation or do you have to have another controller?
Albie said:
I have spent one Christmas of my whole life in a hot country - South Africa in '84. Christmas does not feel the same unless it's cold.

And we are cold here at the moment.

Naah. Christmas is Christmas. I guess an Australian or Uruguayan would have said that Christmas does not fell the same, unless it's hot.
Being all these years with beloved people, I never realized the meaning. The most of times it was boring at the best. Now I know: Christmas is being with your own people, traveling from the end of the world to sit to the table with them, that's what is all about. Cold, hot, doesn't really matter.
We had a nice 'white christmas'... actually, it started snowing around noon on xmas eve, and by the time it was christmas, we had 2ish inches on the ground.  My girls are outside playing in the snow right now. 

Looks like the laptop for my son was a good idea, it hasn't been shut off since he opened it.
Mega said:
Wow, Angel Witch is a great album.

Exactly what I was looking for: fast, hard and primal NWOBHM.
speaking of NWOBHM, i got metal for muthas for christmas. Does anyone know if Bruce sings on the samson song?
Travis_AKA_fonzbear2000 said:
Depending on his age, you better have LOTS of anti-malware installed on that laptop Wasted.


I fucking hate my speakers. When combined with Windows 7, they creat a deadly combo: When set to 100, the volume coming out of them isn't enough to keep up with a quarter of my 10W amp. When at at 1, it's way too powerfull for me to listen to anything when other people sleep. Seriously, The difference between 1 and 100 feels more like the difference between 50 and 60 with normal speakers.