Let's try and get 1,000,000 replies to this post

There is no picture?

Anyway, in other news, I got my new car yesterday!  I have been driving the Saturn I got from my sister, but it has 265k miles on it.  I just bought a 2000 Honda Accord Coupe from my brother, so my son is driving the Saturn, and I have a car with good speakers and a sun roof again.  Granted, I'm broke, but what the hell. 
LooseCannon said:

On the contrary, CSS is very simple.
What's not simple (well it is in essence, but it's quite lengthy, sometimes illogical and with a dozen of caveats) - to use CSS properly you need to know how browsers render HTML, and that requires learning HTML also.

Which just reminds me how i hate "web programming". Sometimes i do some webs for extra cash and it gets on my nerves right away. All customers want fancy interactive sites, while whole idea of World Wide Web and HTTP protocol was made for synchronous, non-interactive workflow. There's HTML for elements and there's CSS for layouts. Then you have backend server processing code, and the frontend client processing code, in whole different languages (PHP/Javascript in my case). Add the asynchronous Javascript capabilities - method for client to communicate with server whenever it wants - called AJAX or buzzed as Web 2.0, and you get a jungle of languages, models and everything else dropped into a giant blending machine.

What's even more bad, is that every "web" language, programming or markup, is really simple. If you know only "web programming" you can't call yourself a programmer. Easy as that. Because none of the normal programming techniques and paradigms are used there (memory management, multiprocessing / multithreading, pointer arithmetics, custom implementations of fast algorithms and complex data structures, etc...). So you have a bunch of "web programmers" today working for low cash that can't program for their own life. Everything could be ok - but if you don't know insides of data parsing, HTTP protocol and the way both client and server handle code, you get a website that's a big security hole.

So instead of trying to push those guys to really learn something, what does the web community do? This : let's make narrow frameworks that won't leave any space for errors...from JQuery to whole CMS'es like Joomla. Wrong in the base, as the saying of a really great powerhouse operating sytem that changed all our lives..."it won't prevent you from doing stupid things, because then it would also prevent you from doing really smart ones". Now those web programmers are just a bunch of JQuery users and Joomla designers. Now they really can't program for their own life, and also don't have a necessary push for learning.

Note : all the above applies not just for web, but for all Microsoft programming philosophies, also.
I think I'm getting to the bottom of the wifi not working so well on Ubuntu 10.10. I did a fresh install of Ubuntu 10.04 and it seemed to behave quite well, so I have been trying all sorts of stuff on yet another fresh 10.10 install - disabling IPv6, using the windows driver, using a Realtek supplied Linux driver, but it still is a little bit dodgy. I've got a few more things to try, so I'm still working on it.
Internet gu just left, said that now I have completely new foundations, an there's nothing left to do here. Gave some tips about testing the PC's themselves for the solution.

Pray to the god of thunder for me that these problems will finally end.

EDIT: I passed the test: I'm going to be in the programing division I wanted to be in. FUCK. YES.
Mega said:
EDIT: I passed the test: I'm going to be in the programing division I wanted to be in. FUCK. YES.

Congratulations, should be more interesting than running around in the forest with a gun. (=my service) ;)
Yeah, in my case it would've been a desert (actually no, I wasn't gonna be a fighter anyway).

The only thing standing in my way now is to pass the security clearance, and because my dad was in the army for many years I don't think it should be much of a problem.
Thanks guys!


I wanna quit my job, but the job market doesn't seem so ggod at the moment. There may be something out there, but I don't really have the time to go look while I'm still working at my job.

Besides, my parents are going to be mad if I end up with no job at all till the army.
Meh, just suck it up for a few months.  That's what I'd tell my son.  You can do anything for a few months, then it won't matter any more.
I have thought about that. Problem is I have 3 months left to work somewhere, and I'm getting pretty tired of this job. If I had one more month I would've just suffered quietly but it's a long time to be in a job that's really not for me.

That's why I love the idea of getting into the programing division: I'll have several years in the army, make a few bucks, and after I finish the mandatory service I'll be in a really good position for a couple of years, and then it's on to some high tech job that will probably be great, and not too hard to find with my resume.
how do they get the forum to change words like this? cunt teh maverick is it a coding trick?