Let's try and get 1,000,000 replies to this post


Here's a little eye candy for us guys: http://www.93x.com/sectional.asp?id=312 ... of+the+Day
That's 'cause you be a mod, yo. Anyway, just wondering. I'm exhausted. Spent all day playing Castle Crashers. So... addicting.
I admit that's really weird. I don't remember locking it, but I very well may have done so accidentally.
Went to the highest top in Trondheim with some friends today. Not very alpine, Storheia (566 meters above sea level), but the view from the top is nice. Anyway: The weather has been nothing short of beautiful this week. Not a cloud seen anywhere near the city since last Sunday. This morning - gray all over. When we had 30 minutes of walking to the top, it started raining. Plenty. Add a cold headwind reaching 7 on the Beaufort scale to that ... luckily the rain stopped long enough for us to stop and eat our lunch, and we found a place where we were a bit shielded from the wind. On our way back we even saw a little sun.

Now I'll do what I normally do on Sunday afternoon. Watch football, football and more football.
I'm home.
Work is great: no instrucions, just a lot of "get to work" from the boss, and she didn't even tell me how and what to do, I had to shadow some guys there.

My back is broken because I hate to bed over to get stuff of tabels, but it's allright.

Other than a pesky 37 year old black guy that makes inappropriate jokes and won't shut the hell up, everyone's   nice. I even met a cute british girl, who knew.

So she practically asked me out to go clubing (not my thing I'm willing to take the fall once) but, and it's a big one: she smokes.
Mega said:
but, and it's a big one: she smokes.

That bitch! I bet she has tattoos too! Lower back, a trademark "tramp stamp." I wouldn't be surprised if she drank. Careful! She might just want to use you for a one-night stand!
If she's hot and has nice hooters, who cares if she smokes! :lol:
http://www.afterdawn.com/news/article.cfm/2010/09/24/warning_your_counterfeit_ps3_controller_may_explode?utm_source=newsletterENG&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=20101003 :lol:
Yo Jeff! Snake! Get in here and help us! Come on people! Say anything in here. No matter how random.