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its not even finished?  I thought they were doing the maiden route and touring  with the album done
Nope. They recorded and released 2 songs and are doing a tour and playing them along with other various songs. After that, they're going to go and complete the rest of the album. They're even thinking of releasing more songs, 1 at a time as they complete them. A bit of a different way to do things, but I'm down with it.

Here's the setlist if you're interested:
ah I see. Well I think I'm going to call it a night now. Goodnight everyone.
Travis_AKA_fonzbear2000 said:
You must be about 6 hours ahead of me then. It's almost 5:30PM here
I am from the future. :D

Either that or just on UK time.

Just a word of warning, if anyone has a Sony player/recorder device, keep well clear of the SonicStage software that is supplied to transfer music to/from. The problem I have is that I have a Net MD recorder and I can only use SonicStage. The more modern MD Walkmans/MP3 players etc. can utilise things like WinAmp plugins and so on - but not the flaming MZ-N510. The only way I can successfully transfer MP3's to a MiniDisc is to first convert them all to a .WAV file, then add them to the SonicStage library - and because all the MP3 tags will have been lost, I have to go in and manually rename each song title and track number (artist name and album can be done in bulk, obviously). I will then be in a position to transfer the music to my MiniDisc without too much of an issue.
I'd have bought the 'future' gig... until I read the part about mini-discs.  :innocent:

I have a MD player, but with no media to use on it, have never done anything with it, still in the box.  Sounds like a drag!
Wasted CLV said:
I'd have bought the 'future' gig... until I read the part about mini-discs.  :innocent:
In the future, we all use these Mini-Discs to store and play our music. It's the way forward. I mean, these solid-state USB MP3 players will never catch on - oh no. What we really need are largish devices that will not easily fit in your pocket and spins a disc at a gazillion RPM's to play music and use huge amounts of battery power. Why would you opt for something that has no moving parts? Where's the fun in that?

Next thing you'll tell me is that you have a phone that plays music and videos and you use it to surf the 'net! As well as making phone calls on it.
Funny you should say that, my brother-in-law is a cameraman - mainly news footage and stuff - and until he got a fully digital camera, he was still using Betamax as it is broadcast quality.
I hear Albie is into 8-tracks as well.

*OK, honest moment, I bought one of those old 'console stereo' gigs, cause I wanted it in my living room.  It had an 8-track in it, and the place I bought had a bunch of 8-tracks for sale, so I bought 10 of 'em for 2 bucks.
Ha!!  Well, look at you future-boy!

Now, you have me interested, I may pull out my MD player and look at it.
Albie said:
Funny you should say that, my brother-in-law is a cameraman - mainly news footage and stuff - and until he got a fully digital camera, he was still using Betamax as it is broadcast quality.

That's not that unusual. Betamax was always the better tape-style player for quality. Lots of news cameras used it.
Yep, at that point, it wasn't quality of picture that won.  Betamax should have won, but at that time, the porn industry went with VHS and that was all she wrote.
Wasted CLV said:
Now, you have me interested, I may pull out my MD player and look at it.
Seriously though, despite them being totally outdated with the newer mobile music hardware, these little Mini-Disc players/recorders are pretty good at what they do. Good for bootlegging concerts as well.

LooseCannon said:
That's not that unusual. Betamax was always the better tape-style player for quality. Lots of news cameras used it.
Sometimes, the buying public get it wrong and back the wrong type of media.
@Albie, I think the problem I have is mine is a player, not a recorder, so I don't have anyway to create music.... think that is why it is still boxed up.

@LC, believe it or not, that is why I bought my HD DVD player, cause porn started to go that way, then Sony payed off 3 big film studios, because it wasn't going to lose this war like it did the tape one.  So, now I have the HD version of a betamax sitting under my tv.
Yep, I was thinking the same way. Didn't make the purchase, but I was thinking it. Sony threw out millions and millions to win this one, though....only to lose to iTunes and Netflix.