Let's try and get 1,000,000 replies to this post

Good here!  New job, thinking of selling the pad. 

What's the new job? Will you move out of state?

DEANO! Welcome back, mate!

Thanks Per! I ran into some ehem technical difficulties for a while but all appears good now. How's Oktoberfest progressing?
Deano said:
Thanks Per! I ran into some ehem technical difficulties for a while but all appears good now. How's Oktoberfest progressing?

Difficulties... combat or porn related? ;)
AFAIK, Oktoberfest is gonna be yet more expensive this year, so I'm prolly not going... again. But things are running. - fairly - smoothly right now.
Deano said:
I'm working up to it. I'm just too conservative; me likes my CDs.
Welcome back Deano!!! And I hear ya, though I love my CDs so much I keep them in their cases and use my Computer/iPod. ;)

Mega said:
Ipod is shyte. Having to deal with itunes and only having mp4 sucks.

Um... you CAN import/convert files to MP3... not only that of varying quality, as low as 128 and as high as 196 or so. What I've noticed is iTunes for Windows SUCKS ASS, but I love using it on my Mac.
Hmmm, how about burka porn related.... alas! I'm alive though.  ;)

No Oktoberfest!?! I'm heartbroken for you. Should I schedule a trip over with my worthless American dollars and help you out?

Welcome back Deano!!! And I hear ya, though I love my CDs so much I keep them in their cases and use my Computer/iPod.

Touche my friend! I guess peer pressure will win out here. You are still in AZ right?
Happy Birthday works well for me Invader, thanks! It has a nice "Frosty the Snowman" vibe to it.  B)

Ugh, unfortunately for at least 2 more years...

OK, well this will give away the answer in the other thread but I'm right next door. If the guys play a show in Phoenix next year, I'll meet you there.
Mega said:
Yeah, but I don't want to. I don't have a single mp4 video on my computer, only AVI and the occasional MKV.

You have programs that convert videos with great quality to the Ipod in 5mins. It's easy.
Deano is back!

And I have no problem with using iTunes. It's getting better as an app. Also, mp4 is a decent format for what I do, but I don't download (much) from the iTunes Store.
Deano said:
What's the new job? Will you move out of state?

Well, we lost the Honda dealership last Nov, and I lost my job about 2 weeks later.  So, I took the time to get A+ Certified over about 5 months, and now I'm the entry level IT buy at a bank/insurance company!!  Loving it.

I live in IL,right on the border of IA (where I work) so I'm thinking of moving into IA where its a little closer to work, less to drive.
Onun said:
You have programs that convert videos with great quality to the Ipod in 5mins. It's easy.

Don't want to HAVE to do it, no matter what it takes! It's crap, so I can't replace my AVI's with it, and it takes way too much space in the computer so I can't have both. And if I convert, then put it on the ipod and delete it from my computer, the file will be gone after the next sync.
Mega said:
Don't want to HAVE to do it, no matter what it takes! It's crap, so I can't replace my AVI's with it, and it takes way too much space in the computer so I can't have both. And if I convert, then put it on the ipod and delete it from my computer, the file will be gone after the next sync.

Ok it's your choice, but I'm all for the MP4 and h.264 video formats in Ipod devices. I love watching my Rock in Rio concert while travelling.
Glad to have Deano back, safe and sound.  Thanks for being "on that wall." 

Totally unrelated to any prior posts, but I thought this blurb (from Gregg Easterbrook's always-insightful TMQ column, about which I've written before) was funny:

This year's literary fraud seems to be "A Journey," former British prime minister Tony Blair's volume of self-praise. The book's key scene is all but word-for-word identical to a scene from the 2006 movie "The Queen" -- a scene the screenwriter says came entirely from his imagination. Blair wants us to believe the scene actually happened, and now stands accused of "plagiarizing [his] fictionalized self," which does sound a rather modern offense.

Art imitates life imitates art. 
Onun said:
Ok it's your choice, but I'm all for the MP4 and h.264 video formats in Ipod devices. I love watching my Rock in Rio concert while travelling.

The problem is that Mega's not got it sorted out just to do it hisself. Nor does he have the hard disk space. I'm rocking over 2 TB right now, and as a power user…I just do things. I'm excited for a new iPod. I needed one.
Mega said:
Don't want to HAVE to do it, no matter what it takes! It's crap, so I can't replace my AVI's with it, and it takes way too much space in the computer so I can't have both. And if I convert, then put it on the ipod and delete it from my computer, the file will be gone after the next sync.
Set your iPod to manually manage and don't do an auto sync.
But it's even more trouble syncing manually. Face it, there's no solution: It just sucks.

Ratchet ACiT is fucking awesome. I have to force myself to stop so I can get some sleep.
There is always a solution...

anyway not going there

I'm going here

Now here!                                                                                      Now THere! AH!