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It's a shame we don't live nearby. We have the same taste in movies, and here I can hardly arse anyone to go to the cinema with me.
It's not that difficult to learn  :innocent: Unfortunately, I haven't practiced it in years, except for occasional reading, so I won't claim that my German is particularly good, though.
I won't have any problem moving to Canada, I speak both languages, but first I need to clear if I'll have housing allowances.

Not too many choices here for tonight (that I haven't seen yet)
Most of them old & heavy stuff, directed by Tarkovsky, Pasolini, Eisenstein & Bergman.
From the newer stuff Nacked Lunch, Gran Torino, Lady Vengeance & Michael Moore's Sicko.

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Perun said:
Been there, done that. Move to Germany.

LooseCannon said:
Move to Canada!

Both of you should just move to Mexico :D, The movies are cheaper, the beer is cheaper, many people speak English... you might get shot in a drive-by Narco shootings and live to tell your family about it... or die... either way it's an experience.
So do I. My roommate is hung on The Final Frontier, the song. He's been playing it over and over. It really is a great hard rocker.
I lately appreciate Japanese cuisine and I've found an awesome sushi restaurant, where with literally 15 Euro can eat very good.
I didn't had the opportunity to go to any Indian restaurant yet, but there is this Tiffinbites close to my house, I'll give it a try one day.

Wine-wise though is a disaster : In the most of the places where you can find at all, when I asked

-'Sir, what kinds of wine do you have ?'
they usually replied 
-'We have red and white wine, sir'

...I hate that answer  :D
LooseCannon said:
So do I. My roommate is hung on The Final Frontier, the song. He's been playing it over and over. It really is a great hard rocker.
I'm with him on that one as well. I think the first two tracks are the best two opening tracks of any album they have done since Seventh Son.

Will-I-Am said:
-'Sir, what kinds of wine do you have ?'
they usually replied 
-'We have red and white wine, sir'
So, no Rose then? :P

Yeap, I hate that answer to - though it's been a while since I have heard it.
Albie said:
Yeap, I hate that answer to - though it's been a while since I have heard it.

They should executed. No trial, no jury, straight to execution.  :D
Usually I order a Guinness when I hear that and as you can understand I drink a lot of Guinness lately.

LooseCannon said:
I hope they begin the tour with Satellite 15 sung live by just Bruce.

Good idea, in deed !
I feel good about my job right now. Of course, you don't know what I do, but suffice to say, I helped someone with something we all love very much.
LooseCannon said:
I feel good about my job right now. Of course, you don't know what I do, but suffice to say, I helped someone with something we all love very much.

What, sold him viagra?
He's always been a hooker. Online webcams and phone sex. Its a great gig to have. Just type in the responses and he's a 'virtual sex machine'.

*VSM productions holds no accountability for STDs you give yourself, not safe for the weak hearted.