The temperature here is around 44 (c) for the moment...
I try to go on board the less possible, yet when I have to do it, is not
that terrible, even when I am inside double bottom /tanks --> (around 65 there)
The thing is to be concentrated, control your moves and your steps all the time, and of course, you shouldn't drink the day before.
I see the welders working in such temperatures (44 -65 Celsius) all day,
(plus welding in this heat, plus living like animals by 5 in the same room when they go 'home', plus being paid ridiculously low)
and I feel admire and pain for them : They probably don't know it, but they are some kind of modern heroes, or modern slaves, one can say.
By watching the welders, I realised that
the way to face the big heat is exactly the same to face the big cold : By wearing too many clothes*
These people when they work in the 'kiln' are very well dressed, wearing almost always woollen -not cotton- flannels, under their boiler suit, plus some outer-coatings.
*One day I connected the welders with the Bedouins -they are dressed heavily as well -they should know better