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LooseCannon said:
Whoa. Why did he punch your kid in the face, Wasted?

My kid ran a stop sign, it was late at night on a country road.  This guy pulls up behind him, brights him and tailgates him.  My kid shouldn't have stopped, but he did, rolled down the window, and the dude came up and punched him in the face.  so he just took off.  We know who he was, he is an adult.  i was thinking about calling cops....
Call the cops then. Bastard needs to pay.

This subject is close to me, as I'm a new driver too. Douchebags on the road should pay for their jackassery towards us new drivers.
Call the police. There's no reason why you should let this sit on you.

As for myself, I just translated four pages of garbled German about ancient Iranian astronomy to English. I am officially brainfucked.

Take some pictures of your kid's face so you have evidence of the impact. Call the fucking cops. Why the hell would he do that? did your kid maybe cut him off?
Mega said:
Douchebags on the road should pay for their jackassery towards us new drivers.

Yes, but new drivers should also make an effort not to be n00b drivers. Stay out of the fucking left lane if your gas pedal scares you. And no one is asking you to break the speed limit, but would it hurt to at least approach it?
Sure, but you don't have to be a prick about that.
You can use the high beams a for a second to tell them that they can't drive, before you use the horn.

I myself try to be as dynamic as possible, but sometimes there are situations when you need to give the new drivers a little more time before you start interfering.
He did run the stop sign, and probably cut the guy off.  he deserved a yelling at.  and a ticket...  but not a punch in the mouth.
Sounds fair enough what you say wasted. Hope things will turn out well, also hope your son is dealing well with it, and feeling better soon.

Something else: 13(!) users online now. So may users, that has been a while ago, not?
Thanks!  yeah, he is ok, and doing well.  Actually, we have spoken of just dropping it, since no (permanant) harm has come of it.  Lesson to all: never stop on a dark country road at night, while alone, unless its a cop.  I told him it was his call on what we do. 
Well, it's his call. But still, nobody should swing a punch. That's road rage, and the guy could be dangerous to others if he's not stopped.
Perun said:
It took me around a day or two to get that picture out of my mind - then I scrolled over and now it's stuck in my head again. :(

Apparently, the Matador survived that. I'm not sure the ins and outs of it, but I would have assumed that they would of killed to bull to save the Matador. All for a bit of a show.  ::)

I hate bullfighting.

Wasted, if you have not already done so, call the cops.
Quite easily. That sort of injury is only fatal if the horn comes out a different way than it went in.