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LooseCannon said:
Sounds awesome. Take total advantage of everything you get. I'm not surprised, based on the business decisions the bike shop was making.

Thanks-- and yeah, I think you are correct.  The dude isn't the sharpest.  Well, it is finally behind me and I can try something new!
I have only tomorrow until Hanukkah break is over, and it's back to school.
I have one test before the bagrut in literiture, don't know how to call it in english, and it sucks.

At least "A Doll's House" was more interesting then I thought.
Sitting here watching Portsmouth vs Liverpool now. Heard the Pompey fans singing "Feed the Scousers, let them know it's Christmas time" which led me to go find this nice pic on the web:

So, I'm not a great poker player.  My 2 brothers and cousin (whom all live near each other) play with some friends on a frequent basis.  Whenever we are down to see them, my son and i play along-- its $5-10 a night to play, and when you've lost that, you are done.  I've played with them 6-8 times now, and lost all my cash each time (my son also).  Tonight, I only put in 5, and finished just over 11!  I want to celebrate! 
Here's a tip for you: I learned last night that the video clip isn't lying. It is very possible to dance romantically to The Number of the Beast.
Just the usual- a drink too many, a nice girl by your side and off you go. ;)
so, to someone far smarter than me (no comments necessary ;))  -- I have my old gateway, loaded with Ubuntu on it.  I am wanting to re-install windows on it, so I got me a disc and went to install it (and it did work on my dell desky).  when i go to install it, it says that I have no hard drive installed, but Ubuntu still can access it.  any tips?
Ah-ha, that makes sense.  Thanks!
Ok, when I did this on the desktop, it gave me a screen to format the hdd (when booting from the disc in the cd drive).  on this one, however, it doesn't offer that (using the same cd).  I know how I can wipe Ubuntu off the hdd, but that just wipes it, correct....  ?
You might need to mount the hdd from the lappy onto the desky and use Windows's built in thingy to format it.