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Something to consider is that Nicko often switches out his gong, multiple times even, during certain songs. We can't see in the audience because he's so tucked away back there, but yea. Nicko likes to switch his gongs.

Well, I think the stained glass gong didn't arrive in time so he used the black one for the whole gigs during the first part of the tour.

Currently it is:

Aces-Trooper: Black gong.
Revelations-Icarus or SOTC (depending on when Charlie replaces it): Stained glass gong.
FOTD-RTTH: Red gong.

Nick is replacing the gongs to be relevant to the stage theme. Apparently at first he wanted to change the artwork on his drums too, but it was too much.
We've already got a DVD from Rock in Rio. Let's have a DVD from somewhere else.
We already have several DVDs with the same songs, over and over.
And also the same editing of about 2-5 seconds per scene.

I'd only be interested in buying a DVD if it has much longer cuts. I'd actually like to see a whole solo, I'd actually like to see what the band members are doing rather than just quick flashes of them.
Plus, as I've already said, how many live videos do I need of them playing Hallowed, Fear, Iron Maiden, Number of the Beast etc. I'd watch the video once, then put it on the shelf and never watch it again.

I think once the USA tour is finished and the American market has Maiden still on their breath, then the new album will come out.
Ridiculous that last time Five Finger Death Punch out charted Maiden there.
Be interesting to see if the new Maiden songs will be tailored for the American market, catchy simple songs or have Maiden stuck to their guns as usual and expect fans to buy into Maiden rather than Maiden buying into the broader "potential fan" base.
...Be interesting to see if the new Maiden songs will be tailored for the American market, catchy simple songs or have Maiden stuck to their guns as usual and expect fans to buy into Maiden rather than Maiden buying into the broader "potential fan" base.

If Iron Maiden wanted to cater to any audience they’d have done it. They’ll likely create another 70-80+ minute masterpiece that will have all the 80s-only fans moaning about why Iron Maiden like to make super long songs.

Meanwhile I’ll be salivating because every Maiden album since Bruce and Adrian came back have been stone cold classics in my opinion and I’m pumped about album # 17.
Regarding the potential third LOTB leg, I'd definitely prefer the new album and an album tour, since I've already seen the LOTB show and moving forward would just feel a bit more satisfying than dragging this tour into a third year.

But then again, there's definitely a point at bringing the show to Australia and other so far omitted markets. The rather confident statements by the band members regarding the active years (the overall impressions seems to be that they intend to go on for a couple of years anyway) might contradict with this conclusion, but just as a thought: maybe acknowledging the limited tour years they have left is actually one of the reasons why they might give LOTB a third run. As far as Maiden sets go, it's pretty appropriate selection of some of the most essential stuff, covering all the "main eras" of the band. Sure, the most ideal Maiden history run-through would probably have one or two different songs, but there's only so much you can include within a 15 to 16 songs setlist structure.

Also, at this point, it's not like their tour legs are going to get any longer. TBOS 2016 was rather big, but it might be that the next album tour will follow the "summertime only" schedule. And - for example - since that the big markets mentioned earlier were completely left out from Maiden England schedule, it's not too far-fetched to expect the current "history/hits" tour to reach there early next year. It might very well be that it won't and they just announce the new album & album tour, but who knows.

My point being: with the limited amount of months they're currently willing to spend on the round during one calendar year, covering the whole world with one tour concept is going to take at least two years, and with the current touring model, it's pretty much three, and assuming that they're not willing to completely dismiss the markets outside NA/SA and Europe for the rest of their "active years", it might very well go down to decision whether to visit the mentioned markets with the LOTB concept or with a new album tour -since doing both might be out of the question.

Naturally, it's just guesswork and speculation at this point (duh) and they might very well roll out with a TBOS like world tour after the album release, but I'm just merely pointing out that they might see LOTB as a possibly last "history/hits tour" and therefore something to feel confident and safe to drag on for just a little longer. For the very reasons mentioned in this thread. Wasted years or not. ;)
Regarding the potential third LOTB leg, I'd definitely prefer the new album and an album tour, since I've already seen the LOTB show and moving forward would just feel a bit more satisfying than dragging this tour into a third year.

But then again, there's definitely a point at bringing the show to Australia and other so far omitted markets. The rather confident statements by the band members regarding the active years (the overall impressions seems to be that they intend to go on for a couple of years anyway) might contradict with this conclusion, but just as a thought: maybe acknowledging the limited tour years they have left is actually one of the reasons why they might give LOTB a third run. As far as Maiden sets go, it's pretty appropriate selection of some of the most essential stuff, covering all the "main eras" of the band. Sure, the most ideal Maiden history run-through would probably have one or two different songs, but there's only so much you can include within a 15 to 16 songs setlist structure.

Also, at this point, it's not like their tour legs are going to get any longer. TBOS 2016 was rather big, but it might be that the next album tour will follow the "summertime only" schedule. And - for example - since that the big markets mentioned earlier were completely left out from Maiden England schedule, it's not too far-fetched to expect the current "history/hits" tour to reach there early next year. It might very well be that it won't and they just announce the new album & album tour, but who knows.

My point being: with the limited amount of months they're currently willing to spend on the round during one calendar year, covering the whole world with one tour concept is going to take at least two years, and with the current touring model, it's pretty much three, and assuming that they're not willing to completely dismiss the markets outside NA/SA and Europe for the rest of their "active years", it might very well go down to decision whether to visit the mentioned markets with the LOTB concept or with a new album tour -since doing both might be out of the question.

Naturally, it's just guesswork and speculation at this point (duh) and they might very well roll out with a TBOS like world tour after the album release, but I'm just merely pointing out that they might see LOTB as a possibly last "history/hits tour" and therefore something to feel confident and safe to drag on for just a little longer. For the very reasons mentioned in this thread. Wasted years or not. ;)

I got the same things on my mind as I was browsing the happenings and read some comments.
I think that it was indeed neat and nicely working concept ever since the reunion to swap between best of and new album tours: Ed Hunter (best), BNW (new album), Give Me Ed (best of), Dance Of Death (new album), Eddie Rips (history part 1), AMOLAD (new album), SBIT (history part 2), TFF (new album), ME (history part 3), TBOS (new album), LOTB (history sort of/best of based on mobile-game/comic).
Right as this LOTB was announced I think I was seriously amazed but surprised as I had so much thought of them carrying on doing the next history-part as the pattern of the past proves? Weird way to conclude this run (I would have hoped to see little more of history-tours, but time is running indeed out) but maybe they want to continue this one little further and so bring it to new audiences before venturing to new album and it's own tour.
So, as we haven't yet received Donington 1992 and accompying documentary of the 90's happenings (part 4 of history) on dvd/bluray and also as this whole LOTB feels like little wrapped and neatly packaged summary of the past history-tours with flavors of the 90's (Bruce does look so much today during the encores that you might actually feel like timetravelled to 1992), so is this really it and meaning the end of the history-runs? As it was talked elsewhere, is the band even open to fully reopening some scars, talking and going through the hard yet problematic times of the 90's? Maybe there will be documentary discussing those times, but I won't be yet holding my breath for it, as it might be out when the Maiden has called it a day.
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If they do a 90s tour, they'll very likely just rehash the same hits from the FOTD tour and the two Blaze songs they like doing. Maybe throw Man on the Edge/Lord of the Flies in there. I wish they'd just own the 90s and embrace that period. Not a single one of their 90s albums are bad, and all o them have some amazing songs on them that deserve to be played.

But yea, I was actually Googling bootleg DVD copies of Live at Donington '92 last night because aside from some YouTube clips I've never seen that show. And I want to. I also want an officially released concert during the Blaze years. I know that's a long shot, but those were great albums; X Factor is still in my top five Maiden albums of all time.
They are not doing a 90s tour.

Yup. And the most exciting songs from that era that could have been centerpieces of the tour have been performed in the last 10 years... Namely ATSS, Clansman and SOTC.

Still hoping that NPFTD, the song and BQOBD make an appearance in a future tour. Especially the former would benefit greatly by an additional guitar played by H IMO. Also H could actually play Davey's 2nd solo.

Judas Be My Guide being played is even less likely than ATG :D .
I'm extremely thankful that I've managed to see Maiden five times in the last 10 years. I'd been listening to Maiden since the 80s, but I was a kid then and they never came around my area anymore (Virginia Beach) so it wasn't until I was 29 that I got to see them on the 2010 first leg of the Final Frontier tour. Between that show, Maiden England, BoS, and now LOTB, I've seen pretty much the best sounds they have to offer live, with the exception of Rime of the Ancient Mariner. I'd love to see Rime live.
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