I read a headline today that stated, "Qatar is the first Gulf State to offer
Expat permanent residency."
Obviously trying to elicit some attention I posted the article on my Facebook with, "Expat, of course, refers to white immigrants." To which a friend asked for data and I linked him an article explaining how "White" countries have "expats" while the rest of the world are "immigrants." Subtle linguistic racism. Since nothing is a coincidence, a student today asked me, "Teacher, what's the difference between costumer and client?" I automatically answered, "None, they are synonyms." Then I thought about it, what
is the difference. Then it hit me. Thrift stores, grocery stores have costumers, but lawyers have clients. Doctors have patients. All these places and people are providing a service people pay for. We are all their customers. I may be paranoid, but to me the difference between customer and client, not so much patient, is classist in nature. Whores have costumers, high class call girls have clients.
Sometimes it is political correctness. When I worked as a case manager at the behavioral health clinic, my caseload of 55 people were my "clients." Not customers, not patients (I'm not a medical doctor), not crazies... clients. In Spanish however, we only have "client" for ALL situations, "customer" does not exist. Well, doctors do have "pacientes."
What do you guys think of linguistic classism/racism? Can you think of examples in your native languages?
For example in the last 20 years Spanish has come under fire for being inherently sexist. as a group of males is "Ellos" (They), a group of females is "Ellas," however you can have a group of 1,000 women and ONE baby boy and it is "Ellos" as it would be with the reverse of 5 boys and a 1 woman. Our ex-president, Vicente Fox, came under a lot of fire for saying, "mexican
os y mexican
as." It's caught on somewhat, but Mexico isn't particularly known for political correctness.
link to the articles mentioned:
Expat v Immigrant