"How much mashed potato is left?" would be correct.
Neither. I'd refer to it as mashed potato i.e. "How much mashed potato do we have left?"A question targeted at native speakers of English, but everyone else is welcome to throw in their two cents. Would you ask "How many mashed potatoes do we have left?" or "How much mashed potatoes do we have left?" We have a domestic argument.
"How much mashed potato is right?" would be superfluous."How much mashed potato is left?" would be correct.
All non native speakers of English do that in their own language (hence Ariana's question).I've never heard anyone referred to a quantity of mashed potatoes.
All non native speakers of English do that in their own language (hence Ariana's question).
You can say "Stampfkartoffeln" in German, but that sounds like something exclusively made by an old Berlin housewife in 1953.
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I frequently eat one potato.There's no such absurdity as one single potato in a dish, or on a plate (the extremely poor excluded).![]()
I don't think any of these two fuckers was right or left really.I guess it depends on how much mashed potato was intimidated by Stalin and how much by Hitler.