An elephant family, mommy, daddy and baby, are walking through the jungle (they're [a href=\'\' target=\'_blank\']forest elephants[/a]). After wandering about for hours and hours, all three get incredibly thirsty. They make for the waterhole, but find the path blocked by a fallen tree. Daddy elephant tries to lift the tree and fails. Mommy elephant tries to lift the tree and fails. Baby elephant says:
"Can I try?"
Daddy elephant replies:
"No, you'll break your trunk".
Fortunately, daddy elephant remembered another path that would lead them to the waterhole, and they took this one. They arrived at the waterhole and had a wonderful elephanty day.
The next day, the same elephant family, mommy, daddy and baby, are walking through the jungle again. After wandering about for hours and hours, all three get incredibly thirsty. They make for the waterhole, but find the second path blocked by a fallen tree as well. Daddy elephant tries to lift the tree and fails. Mommy elephant tries to lift the tree and fails. Baby elephant says:
"Can I try?"
Daddy elephant replies:
"No, you'll break your legs".
Fortunately, daddy elephant remembered another path that would lead them to the waterhole, and they took this one. They arrived at the waterhole and had a wonderful elephanty day.
The next day, the same elephant family, mommy, daddy and baby, are walking through the jungle again. After wandering about for hours and hours, all three get incredibly thirsty. They make for the waterhole, but find the third path blocked by a fallen tree as well. Daddy elephant tries to lift the tree and fails. Mommy elephant tries to lift the tree and fails. Baby elephant says:
"Can I try?"
Daddy elephant replies:
"No, you'll break your back".
Fortunately, daddy elephant remembered yet another path that would lead them to the waterhole, and they took this one. They arrived at the waterhole and had a wonderful elephanty day.
The next day, the same elephant family, mommy, daddy and baby, are walking through the jungle again. After wandering about for hours and hours, all three get incredibly thirsty. They make for the waterhole, but find the fourth path blocked by a fallen tree as well. Daddy elephant tries to lift the tree and fails. Mommy elephant tries to lift the tree and fails. Baby elephant says:
"Can I try?"
Daddy elephant, totally annoyed, and, knowing that this was the last path that led to the waterhole, replies:
"OK, go ahead!"
Baby elephant tries to lift the tree, and breaks his trunk, his legs and his back.
[img src=\'\' border=\'0\' alt=\'user posted image\' /]