I need another listen, because I can't believe my ears. I first heard it two days ago and...
...honestly, as a dedicated Kamelot apologist (I mean, Silverthorn is in my top 3! I don't even think that Shadow Theory is that bad and I can enjoy Siege pretty much, actually), I was disappointed and angry.
I don't remember my first listen of any of the post-Vanderbilt Kamelot albums to be this rough. Say what you will about Ghost Opera, Poetry for the Poisoned or Shadow Theory, but the first had killer stuff like the title track or Blücher, the third still had top-tier track in Burns to Embrace and some nice stuff like MindFall Remedy and others to boot - and Poetry, well, that has some of my favourite Kamelot moments in general (so I'm madly in love with Hunter's Season, I can't get enough of Zodiac and the title track is not just one of my favourite epics by them, right after Elizabeth, but also has my favourite Simone Simons performance ... probably ever, I kid you not. So what.)
But this shite?
It's not just there are no top-tier songs - I don't remember a single one, which must be a first for the band. Oh, right, I remember Opus... for all the wrong reasons, mainly for copying Ghost Opera pretty much verbatim. Although it kinda makes it work, but still. I guess the trio of Bloodmoon, NightSky and Looking Glass could have been turned into a single great song, somehow...
But then again, what's with all the millennial whoops everywhere? Is this a sodding Imagine Dragons record? Have I put in a 2012's album by Coldplay by mistake? It peaks on Flag, which is just a headache and a half - that chorus, geez - but also on Bloodmoon and elsewhere.
Why does the album sound like it was recorded in the depths of someone's rectum? This is 2023, you are a really rich band, why can't you just sound normal? Is that too much to ask? I get that Maiden sound like they do because 'Arry is half-deaf by now and refuses to admit it, but do you have the same problem?
I can't even remember when Youngblood did an actual solo. Are there even any? I seriously don't remember.
The first and last 3/2 tracks (including/excluding the intro and outro) completely passed me by. I don't remember them at all. Do you remember when - even if you hated some of them, every single track was memorable, like on Karma, Epica or Silverthorn? Do you remember how the title track of The Black Halo was actually the exception of not having an actual chorus?
Sorry to be this relentless, but I just got frustrated by one of my favourite bands. It happens.