I think, this is how the Nostradamus album should look like...
That's quite a lot you omitted! A few notes I made while listening:
Great riff in the intro and verses. The chorus was corny, but I did enjoy it. "
I AM NOSTRADAMUS!" Didn't like the weird talking part in the middle.
Awkward phrasing on the vocal melody at the start, but really cool riffs. Some nice classical guitar playing in the instrumental, great solo from KK. Halford sounds great at the end.
That intro... is this still Priest?! Really like the ominous drums the come in around 2 minutes in. Some cool, subtle guitar playing in this part too. Now the big dramatic middle section is awesome, but the part after that felt a bit disappointing, I thought it was building into something more.
Weird intro, not sure about that. The riff that follows is cool, reminded me of the DOOM soundtrack. Liked the mid section, nice organ playing. Great solo from Downing again, and a cool harmony section.
Nice melodic intro, but the solo was cut too short. Cool heavy riff, but Rob's performance is a little bland. He picks it up on the chorus though. Nice little breakdown around the 4:20 mark, more cool acoustic playing. Really impressive scream from Halford at the end.
Probably the most straightforward of all the songs you listed, was this a single? Cool riff in the verses, but the chorus was a bit bland. Good harmony, with some nice Eastern-sounding parts in there. The little clean section in the middle was odd, came out of nowhere and then was quickly over.
Good dramatic intro, never heard Rob sounding so operatic before! And finally a bit of speed! YEAAAAAAAAH! Great chorus, too. Good bridge and nice trade off solos.
Future of Mankind:
Oooh, I like those drums. Verses were cool but nothing special, another great chorus. Liked the solo section, nice slower playing there. The heavy riff near the end is what I was waiting for, I knew something like that had to be coming. Not sure of the vocals over the top though. Would be better without the weird effect on them.
"Prophecy", "Revelations" and "Future of Mankind" were the best of the bunch, I think you've convinced me this album is worth a chance.

It's a shame it wasn't so well received, there's some really strong music here! Shows that there's a lot more to Priest.