Ancient Mariner
A couple of updates:

It is what it is, you know?It would be nice to see KK send a get well wish to Richie, but I'm not going to hold my breath...
It would be nice to see KK send a get well wish to Richie, but I'm not going to hold my breath...
It would be nice to see KK send a get well wish to Richie, but I'm not going to hold my breath...
Agree. Great epic (I did not expect that). Intro, riffs, verses, chorus, melodies, solos, outro are all awesome. The vocal melodies are really good and the outro (reminds me of Manowar) with the acoustic guitar is almost 4 minutes, but it's unique and perfect for an album closer (Ripper's vocals shine). You can hear the bass too. The riff and part of ''The Sentinel'' chorus are used for this song. I get a little Maiden vibe from this song.Best KKs Priest song released so far.
Best KKs Priest song released so far.
After a couple listens trying to decide if I will buy or not. I also found the lyrics to be pretty cheesy as well. The intro to Hellfire is embarrassing. I have always like Ripper but some of the OTP “WHAahWHAahWHAah” vocal deliveries add to the cheese for me. The album comes across that KK is trying to “out Priest” Judas Priest. Best song by far is Return of the Sentinel even though I have a bit of an issue with him revisiting that. Is he going to do the same with Painkiller at some point? That said a lot of the music, riffs, and solos are pretty good. I guess the 80s version of myself would like this album a lot more lol. Regardless I hope the album does well and I will go see them if they ever tour near me.I actually think it’s a really strong album as long as you can embrace the cheese on tracks like ‘Raise your fists’ and ‘Brothers of the road’. Terrible lyrics notwithstanding I’d be happy to hear most of the tracks side by side with some priest classics.