And regarding that since 1992 regarding different tours supporting new album releases, Iron Maiden normally play the same tunes (if we don't count the ones from the album they're promoting).
In most cases since the reunion the setlists have changed significantly from one tour to the next and some album tours have featured songs that were not the usual staples (e.g. Can I play with Madness and Lord of the Flies on the DOD tour, Children of the Damned and Powerslave on the TBOS tour).
Let's focus on the songs played on album tours since the reunion that had not been played on the previous album tour. I start the comparison using the Brave New World tour setlist as the reference, considering that it was the starting point of the album tours with the current (and definitive) line-up:
Dance of Death 2003/2004 tour (8 songs): Can I Play with Madness (first time played live in over a decade), Lord of the Flies and 6 songs off Dance of Death. You could add Run to the Hills to that list too, as it was played on a very limited number of occasions on the Brave New World Tour.
A Matter of Life and Death 2006 tour (12 songs): 2 Minutes to Midnight, The Evil that Men Do and 10 songs off A Matter of Life and Death.
The Final Frontier tour: if you consider the 2010 tour, they played 11 songs that had not been played live on the previous album tour (The Wicker Man, Ghost of the Navigator, Wrathchild, El Dorado, Dance of Death, Blood Brothers, Wildest Dreams, No More Lies, Brave New World, The Number of the Beast, Running Free); if you ignore the 2010 tour and focus on the 2011 tour, that number is also 11 songs (Dance of Death, The Trooper, The Wicker Man, Blood Brothers, The Number of the Beast, Running Free and 5 songs off The Final Frontier).
The Book of Souls tour (9 songs when compared to the 2011 tour): Children of the Damned (not played on an album tour since 1987 with the exception of the 3 charity shows in 2002 and the short run of shows on the A Matter of the Beast tour in 2007), Powerslave (not played on an album tour since 1985), Wasted Years (not played on an album tour since 1993) and 6 songs off the new album.
It is pretty clear that they do not normally play the same tunes, even though some of the classics are played more often than others. Having seen the band live 33 times since 1996, the only song I have seen them play at each gig is Iron Maiden.