I didn’t vote in the game because there are significant chunks of the Priest catalog that I just wasn’t familiar enough with to feel like I could make a useful contribution on that front — but of the Priest albums I’m familiar with, Screaming For Vengeance has always been my #1 for its combination of variety and pretty consistent quality, with some very high highs and honestly still pretty high lows. It’s the kind of album that I just want to play again as soon as it’s over.

Painkiller, Defenders Of The Faith, and Firepower are all way up there for me too, though they all have some more obvious weaknesses in their lesser tracks. I want to say that Sin After Sin, Sad Wings Of Destiny, and Invincible Shield would probably make up the next tier, and beyond that it gets tougher for me to comment.

Still, I enjoyed seeing other people’s rankings and reading their commentary.

EDIT: How could I forget? I would probably put Nostradamus in the second or third tier as well, since I’m one of the people who seems to enjoy it a lot more than most.
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Wow, Painkiller being top 3 on every list is crazy. I mean, I've never seen complaints about it with more meat than calling it overrated or cheesy (which I have to agree with regarding Leather Rebel and Metal Meltdown). I'd probably have it at #1 too. Night Crawler, A Touch of Evil and One Shot at Glory are all top songs for me. Defenders... eh... I don't know what it is, but other than Jawbreaker and Rock Hard Ride Free, I don't care for the songs something.

Also @Mosh, is there still time to submit Nightwish lists or have you locked it?
In 1984 I owned a Yamaha RD350LC. Bar the odd session, it’s the most fun I’ve ever had with my clothes on. In livery of white and red, with Rush’s Red Barchetta in my head, I screamed through the country lanes. When you opened the taps and it came on song, the front wheel lifted and it felt like flying without effort. There was a humped back bridge which crested just as the power hit and the front just kept on rising. Magical stuff.

There was a production racing series for the bike at the time and second hand bikes were in demand. So mine got stolen.
The agony and the ecstasy.
Pain and pleasure.
Defenders of the Faith.

Side one is face-melting metal heaven. Sentinel is one of the greatest metal tracks around. Freewheel Burning fits the bill. A proper continuation from the brilliance of SFV.

Then side two hits you below the belt with Love Bites. Oh dear, things have changed. We’re on the way to Turdo land.
At the time I really loved this record, never on a par with SFV, but the first side was awesome, second side mostly enjoyable. I even tried to get our band to do Night Comes Down, which they wisely refused. It’s okay, but #2? No!

The main problem I have with this is the fat, lazy Def Leppardy drums clogging up the mix. Nowadays I choose not to listen to it.
It didn’t eclipse Van Halen’s 1984, and peak Maiden were coming soon.


Painkiller - Riffs of the bleedin’ obvious.
Which can be said for many Priest tracks, but they’ve usually got a character about them.
These don’t.

If you were a kid at the time you’d have thought it was the 2nd coming.
Nowadays I think nostalgia keeps it high for that generation.

As party music it’s fine but it’s shallow and lacks detail and depth.
No shadows or darkness. All sunny side up.
A very apt title. It’s as if you’ve taken a shot and now sitting in a stupor with an inane grin on your face singing along to the pretty tunes.
I’m up for a bit of that too, but compared to their rich history, it doesn’t deserve this rank.

Title track is fun but hasn’t aged well. Wish they’d drop it live.
Glory’s alright s’pose.

I didn’t vote, but thanks for all that did and putting the time in.
There's not much new to add about Defenders of the Faith that hasn't already been said by @Mosh and others. It's one of the best Side A's ever and Side B is exceedingly average at best, until the final two "songs" which are some of the worst in the band's history. True garbage and a real black mark on the quality of this album.

I think just about every song on Side B is right around a 7/10, fine, enjoyable, but nothing special. Nothing bad, just nothing special, and certainly a massive letdown after the exceptional run of tracks on Side A.

Heavy Duty/Defenders of the Faith is the most bone-headed, lame, cheesy, lazy album closers in Priest history. They're trying to ape Queen, but come off sounding like a knock-off Spinal Tap. It's just bad. Anyone who ranks this album has "the best ever" is giving these songs a complete pass and that's a bit ridiculous.

Still probably a top 5 or top 6 Priest record, but certainly at the bottom of that. Side A is just that strong.

This one dropped a little for me this time around, I give it a 7.4/10.
I didn’t vote in the game because there are significant chunks of the Priest catalog that I just wasn’t familiar enough with to feel like I could make a useful contribution on that front
Same here. Never heard Demolition and lost contact with The Priest after Angel Of Retribution. Very good Top 3!
Defenders and Vengeance both appear in my Top 3 as well.
Nice to see Turbo (My personal Bronze album)didn´t end up last here!
Wow, Painkiller being top 3 on every list is crazy. I mean, I've never seen complaints about it with more meat than calling it overrated or cheesy (which I have to agree with regarding Leather Rebel and Metal Meltdown). I'd probably have it at #1 too. Night Crawler, A Touch of Evil and One Shot at Glory are all top songs for me.

Painkiller is more of a killer album than about individual songs. It has its fair amount of cheese and a cover that could be better but otherwise a fine moment in metal.