ISIS Thread

According to recent reports, the United States successfully targeted and destroyed an ISIS training camp in western Libya—killing more than 40 jihadists.
“Destruction of the camp and Chouchane’s removal will eliminate an experienced facilitator and is expected to have an immediate impact on ISIL’s ability to facilitate its activities in Libya, including recruiting new ISIL members, establishing bases in Libya, and potentially planning external attacks on U.S. interests in the region,” a statement released by the Pentagon states.
Conservatives continue to argue that attacks like this should be done in bulk. Clearly, they offer success, but Obama is hesitant to take any major actions.
Fortunately, this attack likely took out a militant who was linked to two deadly attacks in Tunisia last year. Noureddine Chouchane is believed to be responsible for two major attacks last year—one at the Sousse beach resort and another at the Tunis museum.
Such a biased article. I love how it's all like, "Obama's not blowing up enough people" after he blew up 40 people. Good strike, and good intel was gathered on it by local assets, and it was properly vectored and made a good hit. The epitome of precision bombing. This was a great operation from the military standpoint, and we should be congratulating the administration for it, not shaming them for not doing it more.

Because when you do it more, you lose your ground allies when you kill them accidentally.
I wish I could find sites that have the exact same things I'm posting that aren't biased and such. It would be nice to be able to post some of this stuff without people on here speaking out against it.

Anyway, this just showed up. From:
British police are preparing for "enormous and spectacular" potential attacks on the UK as ISIS moves into its "next natural phase," Britain's senior counterterrorism officer said Monday.
I wish I could find sites that have the exact same things I'm posting that aren't biased and such
Granted, all news sites and online commentators are biased in some way based on country of origin, target market and political leaning, some are better than others. But what you're looking for is sites that back up your opinions, rather than report news as accurately as possible, based on the facts available, and in good faith.

I'm not completely surprised that 'Western lifestyle targets' in the UK could be at risk of attack, or that terrorists can be home-grown rather than recruited by a bigger organisation overseas. There's a pool of pissed off people who feel disenfranchised, and it's being made worse by ingrained casual racism. It's worrying, but then I grew up at a time when there was widespread fear of IRA bombings. We're used to a lack of litter bins in stations, warnings on public transport etc. I think there was only a period of about five years when people felt there was little to no risk of terrorism.
I wish I could find sites that have the exact same things I'm posting that aren't biased and such. It would be nice to be able to post some of this stuff without people on here speaking out against it.

Looking for company, then? I suggest the comment sections of conspiracy bullshit videos on YouTube, you can find some friends there.
Granted, all news sites and online commentators are biased in some way based on country of origin, target market and political leaning, some are better than others. But what you're looking for is sites that back up your opinions, rather than report news as accurately as possible, based on the facts available, and in good faith.
Actually, I was just trying to report the thing about the US destroying the ISIS training camp as news from the site. I only saw it as a news item and nothing more. And I suppose sites that both report the news accurately and back up my opinions are pretty rare. Plus, I'm not going to find that about the Illuminati and other conspiracy realisms. :lol:
I don't understand why Islamic extremists seem to ignore the Abbasid caliphate and are instead obsessive over the tried and failed caliphates of Umayyad and Ottoman origins. Under the Abbasid caliphate, Islam was by far at its most successful; and they didn't commit themselves to aggressive expansion; rather the enhancement of culture, science and diplomacy. Right now, they're just fighting fire with fire, which accomplishes nothing except death on both sides of the argument.

Then again, I guess the key word is extremists :(.
This can also go to Syrian thread - SAA and VKS have liberated Palmirya. :)
It goes without saying that the Syrian government is irredeemable in their crimes against their populace, but I maintain that ISIS should remain the mutual enemy, even if it means that the Syrian regime reaps the rewards of ISIS defeats.

In this case, the enemy of our enemy must be our friend.
Putting it like that, black and white, yes they surely did crimes against populace which in perfect world would be enough for loss of power and persecution.
However, in real world, it remains to be seen exactly what those crimes are and were they serious enough to justify a coup. I'm sure there were crimes, but majority % of the reported ones in our media was B.S.
Liking maiming and killing innocent civilians who were making a peaceful protest? I'm pretty sure that isn't bullshit, and Assad has continued to maintain a totalitarian stranglehold over the Syrian people.
If some other countries with some other agendas didn't inject their B.S. into those protests then it would be pretty clear. Right now, after it's known they meddled with original protests nobody can ascertain how much of it (timewise) was sincere and legit, especially if Americans aren't willing to admit all their shenangians so the world can clearly see how much damage Assad made to his own people before everything went into motion. Both he and the Russians can now pull the strings and shout about yankee intervention in protests resulting in carnage. And they aren't wrong, they're just partially lying, or taking out of context. American meddling into foreign affairs blew up both Syria and Ukraine to such high proportions that effects of their doing are tens of times more lasting and stronger (in negative sense), than the original criminal acts did by those dictators.

If Americans / NATO are your only friends you're in a cesspool of shit.
Look at Kurds, they're good with them, but also with the Russians, Iraqi, Iranians, they even have open channels with KSA, Qatar, etc. That's because they're the legit movement in this chaos.
Now that the Assad regime takes back control we'll probably won't see any positive change in the refugees problem.