Eliminated after Round 23:
Mother Of Mercy - 24 votes
Satellite 15...The Final Frontier - 21 votes
The Man Who Would Be King - 19 votes
El Dorado - 18 votes
The Book Of Souls joins the game! 10 votes allowed.
None of these songs are bad, especially The Final Frontier (shame the intro is too long). El Dorado is classic Maiden.Eliminated after Round 23:
Satellite 15...The Final Frontier - 21 votes
The Man Who Would Be King - 19 votes
El Dorado - 18 votes
Why Speed Of Light isn't popular among fans? I'm really curious. I think it's a great song. Or it's just another example of overall strong material in the album. The same can be said about the amount of votes for Death Or Glory, I believe. One of the band's best short songs imo.
The shorter songs in TBOS are really good.
I think it's a catchy song, especially with its intro, chorus and instrumental section (weak, no way). Just what a single needs. I like the melodies under the verses a lot. I have to say that Steve is the master of key changes. The solos and the melodies are very good. Not every single can have the instrumental section of The Writing On The Wall though. I think the lyrics are fine. Bruce sounds more strained in the chorus of Mother Of Mercy.I can only tell you my opinion. I've never been a fan of songs that lean into classic rock (the intro riff, cowbell), just not my style.
I dislike the almost arbitrary key changes and resulting melodies in the verses. Not a fan of the lyrics (gotta admit though, "Shadows in the stars" is a badass line). Bruce sounds very strained in the chorus.
The instrumental break in the middle is uncharacteristically weak for Maiden standards. There's one note in the guitar melodies that's not played clean, which makes it stand out. This by itself isn't necessarily a problem, but this section is copy/pasted, thus we get to hear the bum note multiple times.
If I could vote ten times for Speed Of Light, I would. One of the absolute worst songs of their entire discography, in my opinion. Hate that little shite.
I would take The Apparition, The Angel And The Gambler and Weekend Warrior over Speed Of Light any day of the week, thrice on sundays.I would take Speed of Light over Writing on the Wall any day of the week, and twice on Saturdays!
I would take Speed of Light over Writing on the Wall any day of the week, and twice on Saturdays!