Iron Maiden Picture Game

Idk, saw New Orleans and thought of that one single cover from TAATG.
Oh I see. Well this has nothing to do with sleeve art, it's a lyric reference. Very specific.

Also incorrect, although I can see where you're coming from with that one.

Consider the nature of chattel slavery - the clue's in the name. Then think about Solomon Northup's story and how it turned out for him.
Thinking of slave traders and the line “Ships in the night, as they pass out of sight, deliver their cargo of earthly delights.” Also “slaves to the dead”.
Much too vague - the reference I have in mind is very specific. Something particular about the precise nature of chattel slavery (look up a definition if you need to). The story of Solomon Northup and how it worked out for him has relevance but you should be able to get it just from a definition of chattel slavery because, so far as I am aware, only one Maiden song alludes to this (although the allusion is figurative in the context of the song).
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I've given as many qualitative clues as I can without actually revealing it and it still seems like most people are not really thinking along the right lines (although @TheMercenary has been the closest).

So here's a general clue: it's an early song. A very early song ;)
Burning Ambition
Exactly :ok:

"Chattel slavery" was the peculiar notion that the enslaved person constituted property which could be bought and sold: and consequently owned.

Solomon Northup was a free-born African American who resided in New York state. While on a trip to Washington D.C. he was kidnapped, shipped to New Orleans (in one of the states where slavery somehow managed to be still legal) and sold as a slave there. However he managed to get himself rescued (pity it took twelve years) because although it may have been legal to sell a "slave" in New Orleans it was most certainly not legal to kidnap free-born Americans and sell them as if they were your property. So the purchasers found themselves in a similar situation to one in which they had purchased stolen goods, ie they had paid for the title to the "property" but had not received it.

"So you think you can own me, well you'd better just think again."

Well done @TheMercenary - over to you :)
Exactly :ok:

"Chattel slavery" was the peculiar notion that the enslaved person constituted property which could be bought and sold: and consequently owned.

Solomon Northup was a free-born African American who resided in New York state. While on a trip to Washington D.C. he was kidnapped, shipped to New Orleans (in one of the states where slavery somehow managed to be still legal) and sold as a slave there. However he managed to get himself rescued (pity it took twelve years) because although it may have been legal to sell a "slave" in New Orleans it was most certainly not legal to kidnap free-born Americans and sell them as if they were your property. So the purchasers found themselves in a similar situation to one in which they had purchased stolen goods, ie they had paid for the title to the "property" but had not received it.

"So you think you can own me, well you'd better just think again."

Well done @TheMercenary - over to you :)
I just posted this guess with a lot of uncertainty, but taking risks can pay off, obviously. :D

Thank you so much, @Black Abyss Babe. :) :cheers:
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Clue #1 :


Incorrect guesses : The Edge Of Darkness /// Fear Of The Dark /// Brighter Than A Thousand Suns ///
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