Iron Maiden Picture Game


Guess this one:

Actually the first song I thought of after The Clansman was From Here To Eternity. Possibly from that machine thing in the song.
Holy Smoke (because of the Parental Advisory sticker - it is the only Maiden song that contains a curse word)?


Actually, it had nothing to do with Parental Advisory sticker. I just needed a Carlin and Kinison picture and took those two. Both of them were separate but linked up at the same song. Carlin links to Holy Smoke, firstly because he always said that 'religion is bullshit' and because after he died, Fred Phelps of Westboro Baptist made a video on how Carlin was in hell and stuff. Kinison links to Holy Smoke because he had a bit on Jim Bakker, one of the people who caused the whole thing that Holy Smoke is about.

Goddamn, thought it would take longer to figure it out. This was no Gordian Knot I guess...