Iron Maiden News, Links, and Interviews

I think it's about Paul Di'anno and Dennis Straton Year (1980) not a single picture of Adrian anywhere.
Anyway I'm dying to get that picture of Steve in the fair attractions :lol:
So they keep quiet for years, then all of a sudden do a photo shot... for stamps?!?!
OK, great.... but ... damn
They live in a world I don't or vice versa.
I'd love to make a meme about this but this is some other level of reality I can't even see, let alone grasp.

Gotta love how media sites like this twist Steve's words, right?

Steve said this in an interview when being asked if there would be another album after Senjutsu:

"Who knows for sure? At the moment we want to tour as much as we can. But even if we did semi-retire [from playing live], we could still make albums. I don't know. We'll see.

"I always thought that it would be nice to make fifteen albums, which we've surpassed. It's all downhill from here, isn't it? [Laughs.] But each of us is still enjoying it – possibly more than ever – maybe because we know that we're coming towards the end. We try not to think too much about that, but so long as everyone still enjoys what we do we'll keep on going as long as we can."

Where in the world did he say anything about retiring fully or having plans to quit? I unfollowed that stupid clickbait page on Facebook as soon as I saw this. Sure, Maiden might ne nearing the end, but knowing Steve he would want to go on until the very end! If there's any member that doesn't think about retiring I think it's him.
I heard this exact interview being quoted on the radio earlier today except actually true to what was said. Amusing that apparently some trashy clickbait garbage music "journalism" sites decided to take the opposite approach for those sweet impressions and ad revenue.