IRON MAIDEN ALBUM SURVIVOR 2023: Results -> Somewhere In Time wins!

3, I would add Aces High.
You can read my opinion on Aces High here.

People call Powerslave "Fillerslave" and ignores that Somewhere in Time has weaker songs from start to finish. Aces High is better than CSIT, Powerslave and Rime are better than any song on Somewhere in Time. Deja Vu is weaker than every song on Powerslave.
Heavily disagree. Sea Of Madness and SIASL suck heavily, but the rest is good to great. Powerslave on the other hand has 2MTM and the title track. Everything else is either heavily flawed or outright bad. It's an incredibly overrated album that was released at the right time and has been coasting for decades purely on its status; not on the actual quality of the music. If the songs on Powerslave had been released on any other album most of them wouldn't hold the legendary status that they hold today.

The best 80's album by an enormous margin is SSOASS anyway, so there's no point in debating between PS and SIT.
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SIASL suck(s)
It doesn't. You might not like it - entirely within the bounds of possibility, but there's bounds and bounds of data, reviews, and praise for this track over the years.

Powerslave on the other hand has 2MTM and the title track. Everything else is either heavily flawed or outright bad.
Objectively false. Again, you might not *like* the other tracks, which is fine, but Powerslave's tracks have always graded out high across all Maidenfans of all generations. Both Aces High and Rime are Top 10 tracks all time, and even if "Fillerslave" is true, albums don't get longevity without something to anchor it.
3, I would add Aces High.
I'm just taking the piss. Powerslave is a great album, personally just one that I rank in the lowest third of their catalog mainly due to the "fillers" in the middle and ROTAM really not doing that much for me. The Duellists is pretty great though, I actually like it more than ROTAM.
It doesn't. You might not like it - entirely within the bounds of possibility, but there's bounds and bounds of data, reviews, and praise for this track over the years.

Objectively false. Again, you might not *like* the other tracks, which is fine, but Powerslave's tracks have always graded out high across all Maidenfans of all generations. Both Aces High and Rime are Top 10 tracks all time, and even if "Fillerslave" is true, albums don't get longevity without something to anchor it.
We're on a forum. Every post should be read with a heavily implied "in my opinion". Everything I write is obviously my subjective opinion. Never did I state that my comments are in any way supposed to be objective, so your objections are unwarranted and feel needlessly pedantic. But if it makes you feel better:

SIASL sucks in my opinion. We are talking about music, which is inherently subjective so "data, reviews and praise" are utterly worthless since you can find those for any opinion. I could just as well find data, reviews and hate for that song.

Everything on Powerslave except 2MTM and the title track is is either heavily flawed or outright bad in my opinion. Subjective opinions cannot be "objectively false", that's the entire point of opinions. Just because something is popular doesn't mean it's also good. Or are we gonna pretend some of the Pop or Rap drivel that is popular with hundreds of millions more fans than what Maiden achieves is better because it's popular? It's quite literally the "Argumentum ad populum" fallacy.
We're on a forum. Every post should be read with a heavily implied "in my opinion". Everything I write is obviously my subjective opinion. Never did I state that my comments are in any way supposed to be objective, so your objections are unwarranted and feel needlessly pedantic. But if it makes you feel better:

SIASL sucks in my opinion. We are talking about music, which is inherently subjective so "data, reviews and praise" are utterly worthless since you can find those for any opinion. I could just as well find data, reviews and hate for that song.

Everything on Powerslave except 2MTM and the title track is is either heavily flawed or outright bad in my opinion. Subjective opinions cannot be "objectively false", that's the entire point of opinions. Just because something is popular doesn't mean it's also good. Or are we gonna pretend some of the Pop or Rap drivel that is popular with hundreds of millions more fans than what Maiden achieves is better because it's popular? It's quite literally the "Argumentum ad populum" fallacy.
@Vaenyr, with all due respect, your opinion on Powerslave is wrong. I know, because You think Virtual XI is a good/great album :D In no paralel Universe Virtual XI is better than Powerslave. Impossible.
I´m sure you know how that feels mr V11 :D
I am of the same opinion about VXI.
With tears in my eyes from laughing at the fact that A Matter of Life and Death ended up as a top 5 album here
You have "Aces High", "2 Minutes To Midnight", "Flash Of The Blade", "The Duellists", "Powerslave" and "Rime The Ancient Mariner" on it... Excuse me, but with these classics, 'Powerslave' is the best Iron Maiden's album. :p
One of the best, but not my favorite as a whole piece.
The instrumental midsection is top notch though!
Essential classic Maiden.
People call Powerslave "Fillerslave" and ignores that Somewhere in Time has weaker songs from start to finish. Aces High is better than CSIT, Powerslave and Rime are better than any song on Somewhere in Time. Deja Vu is weaker than every song on Powerslave.
The big classics aside, Deja-Vu is better than at least 3 songs from Powerslave imo.
Sea Of Madness and SIASL suck heavily, but the rest is good to great. Powerslave on the other hand has 2MTM and the title track. Everything else is either heavily flawed or outright bad. It's an incredibly overrated album that was released at the right time and has been coasting for decades purely on its status; not on the actual quality of the music. If the songs on Powerslave had been released on any other album most of them wouldn't hold the legendary status that they hold today.
This is... next level of everything about Powerslave! You don't even like the groovy parts of Sea and Stranger?
The best 80's album by an enormous margin is SSOASS anyway
Both SIT and SSOASS are special, masterpieces and filler-free albums.
In no paralel Universe Virtual XI is better than Powerslave. Impossible.
Yes, but (maybe) for some fans is more favorite. That's the thin line of the acknowledgement. ;)
Powerslave's "Fantastic Four" are a bit stronger than SIT's top 4 (CSIT, WY, SIASL, ATG). I feel SiT's other 4 are stronger than Powerslave's "Forgotten Four" thus SiT is the better album overall . Seventh Son simply outshines them both, all 8 tracks are fantastic.

IF Powerslave was a four song EP it would be the greatest metal release of all time.

Top 17
05. A Matter Of Life & Death
06. Senjutsu
07. Piece Of Mind
08. The Number Of The Beast
09. The Book Of Souls
10. The Final Frontier
11. Dance Of Death
12. Iron Maiden
13. The X Factor
14. Fear Of The Dark
15. Killers
16. No Prayer For The Dying
17. Virtual XI