IRON MAIDEN ALBUM SURVIVOR 2023: Results -> Somewhere In Time wins!

That single song in any version is better than the whole of Killers.
Yes, the off-key vocals, the out-of-sync guitars and bass in places, the crackling in the mix, and the one-note, one-word repetitive chorus are clearly superior to songs like "Wrathchild", "Murders In The Rue Morgue", "Killers", and "Prodigal Son". What on earth was I thinking? :rolleyes:
Y'all have already shown in the song survivor that you have no taste at all: Virtual XI should be the winner, not the first album to be eliminated :nonono:
But I'm generous and I'll forgive most of you :D

Voted for:
Iron Maiden
The Final Frontier
The Number Of The Beast

If the first two weren't Maiden albums I'd never listen to anything on there except maybe Phantom, Transylvania, Killers, and Purgatory.
TFF is by far the weakest reunion album and TNOTB is fine, but everything released since then (except TFF of course) is vastly superior.
Bye, Bye VXI, X Factor, and No Prayer. Killers was the album that made me a Maiden fan and I think it's great. No one can convince me otherwise :bigsmile:
Virtual XI should be the winner, not the first album to be eliminated :nonono:
Vaenyr, you have some shit opinions (no disrespect intended, Rime Hater) but I will align myself with you if only because I fucking hate Killers.

“Murders in the Rue Morgue” is the only song on K that is up to the standard of VXI. “The Educated Fool” is the only song on VXI that’s at the substandard of K. VXI may be choppy and goes overkill on the repetition, but it’s got such a lush sound and the guitar melodies are simply amazing. The songs also feel like some love was put into them, unlike Killers which is just a bunch of fillers bashed out with Martin Birch’s vacuum cleaner production.

“Killers” is trite and overplayed, IMO. The menace was cool when I was 15. “Wrathchild” is awesome but not on this record (Rock in Rio ftw). “Genghis Khan” is cool, “Prodigal Son” is interesting, and “Another Life” is solid, but not at all creatively assembled. Meanwhile “Innocent Exile” is a bore, “Purgatory” is a mess, and “Drifter” is the only Maiden song I would actually call garbage, fuck that song.

It’s not that Killers is bad per se, it’s just that it’s so uninteresting. The only time I ever listen to the full album is when I’m going through the Maiden discography from beginning to end. There’s nothing to really latch onto. Even “Murders” I usually spin the live versions with Bruce. It’s hovers between a D and an F on the tier of Maiden records and is the only one I simply don’t care for. Every other Maiden album has something that keeps me coming back to it. Killers has nothing.
“Killers” is trite and overplayed, IMO. The menace was cool when I was 15.

The main riff is a somewhat rare example of an actual riff in Maiden's discography, though.

I more or less like the title track, Purgatory, Twilight Zone (which wasn't even on the album, originally) and could even get behind Wrathchild if it wasn't so overplayed. I'd also tip my hat to Prodigal Song for being the only kinda ambitious song on the record.
For me its No Prayer, Fear of the Dark, and X Factor.

I don't know what Bruce was thinking with the vocals on those 2 albums, maybe once a year I try to listen to them again to see if my opinion has changed but so far it hasn't.

I do appreciate some of the songs on X Factor and I like Judgement of Heaven but overall the feeling is more dark and gloomy than I prefer.

p.s.: I still listen to and enjoy Virtual XI regularly but based on the early results it's already toast.
Y'all have already shown in the song survivor that you have no taste at all: Virtual XI should be the winner, not the first album to be eliminated :nonono:

Vaenyr risking all his street credits for a bold statement.

It's not the best but it is my favorite :ninja:

Much needed cryptic commentary that does much of the job to stopgap bleeding and rebound.

Nostalgia's a bitch :p

The resolution and credit balance is restored :D
So many years, Bruce back in the band for so long and yet so much hate and so many votes against TXF as if this was still the 90s.

The X Factor is a blueprint for the reunion era. It is 'Arry at his most personal and emotionally vulnerable. It is full of his bass. And Blaze is more fitting for this material than Bruce would be (back then, I think that post-2010 Bruce would be awesome covering the entirety of TXF).
I don't understand you, people, really.
So many years, Bruce back in the band for so long and yet so much hate and so many votes against TXF as if this was still the 90s.

The X Factor is a blueprint for the reunion era. It is 'Arry at his most personal and emotionally vulnerable. It is full of his bass. And Blaze is more fitting for this material than Bruce would be (back then, I think that post-2010 Bruce would be awesome covering the entirety of TXF).
I don't understand you, people, really.
It's just a really boring album by Maiden's standards. That's it. Lifeless songs devoid of energy.