Iced Earth

I've tried, but I just can't appreciate Stu's vocals. I lived through the late 90s/early 2000s and he has too much of that nu-metal thing going on for me to enjoy. Maybe I'm alone on this, but his voice sounds too artificial and insincere to me. The song is standard IE, nothing special but not terrible either. I really hope that at some point in their (Jon's) career they'll take a risk and do something out of left field.
I don't get the nu-metal thing either. He growls and semi-yells occasionally, but I wouldn't call it "nu-metal".

As for being artificial, I agree. It's often like Iced Earth karaoke.

There's one song on Dystopia, can't remember which one, where Stu sings quietly in the verses and there are a few bluesy vocal runs. That's the only time I've thought to myself, "I'm actually listen to Stu's real voice."
End Of Innocence? Probably that one.

His growls (and I mean, growls he uses in Into Eternity) are pretty badass, too bad Jon won't let him use them in Iced Earth except for a line here and there. Probably the only advantage he has over Barlow (though it doesn't have to mean Barlow can't growl; we just never heard him try :P).
Maybe it's his growls, then. Some singers have great growls (Akerfeldt) whereas others have that artificial hardcore-whiny thing going on. To me, Stu has quite a bit of the latter. I'm not quite sure how else to explain it.
@Unknown One:

At this point I'm not even sure if I'll bother with the whole album.
It's great if you like hearing the same ballad rewritten for the umpteenth time.
I'm pretty sure Troy will be the next one to go. Mark my words :D

For the remainder of the Volbeat tour, Jon Dette will be behind the drums taking over for Raphael Saini who filled in during the summer festivals, the recording of the new album, and the club leg of the Volbeat tour.
“Raphael came in and helped us out of a tight spot this summer with a full schedule of festivals, a new album to finish, and no room for diversion on the schedule. He came in and delivered and we are very grateful for that. We wish him all the best for his future endeavours.” ICED EARTH
“When I had the chance to join Iced Earth for their summer festivals and the new album, I couldn’t say no: I was really excited even though I knew that it was going to be something temporary. I am honoured to be part of the band’s history, an amazing album, and to have worked with some supremely talented musicians. My journey will continue, there’s more to come.” RAPHAEL SAINI

Dette is a better drummer than this guy, so not a loss at all.
It's weird that this guy played with so many (well-known) bands but never recorded a single studio album (at least according to Metal Archives).