ICED EARTH SURVIVOR 2014: Results -> Travel In Stygian wins AGAIN!

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This round hurts, all 3 songs I voted for get 9/10. And after this round it's going to get so much easier. There's not many truly brilliant songs after this.

Stormrider, Birth of the Wicked, Wolf
I hope Phantom reaches the next stage. A really special song in which I love the singing and the calmer parts as well with acoustic guitars...
I know everybody loves it, and I can't say it's bad, but I really don't see what's supposed to be so special about it.
I hope Phantom reaches the next stage. A really special song in which I love the singing and the calmer parts as well with acoustic guitars...

I agree. I love it. Definitely the third best song on the album. It's sad that we've got to eliminate these songs now, because as @Unknown One said, there's very few GREAT songs going forward and these are better than mostly all of what shall come to pass..
Damien: yes sir.

Dracula is quite one dimensional if you ask me. In the couplets the vocals keep sticking to the same tones. And after the intro, there's a constant level of intensity and emotion. But oh well, some people dig monotony (vocals in The Talisman couplets). The bleating Blind Guardian chorus doesn't make it original for me either. I find the instrumental part tedious. And overall, there's too much repetition for my liking.
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I know everybody loves it, and I can't say it's bad, but I really don't see what's supposed to be so special about it.
I can only say what I find special about it. :)

-The interaction between the singers and the build-up of intensity in this part (4:35-5:43), with brilliant vocal melodies and guitar melody in the background. My favourite part of the whole album.

-The sudden change of moods and tone @ 5.43

-More drama in the music @ 6.23 (almost as if I hear a grand piano or something ;--)

This song is dynamic, has several layers in the music and is quite adventurous. But it also breaths very well, the calmer breaks certainly were well placed.
For a song of such length enough different (and strong) things are happening. The band must have put lots of work in it. Too bad it is too difficult (or practically not possible) to play it live.
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Yeah, well... I'm just not too fond of the execution of most of that. I'm not really struck by melodies in the song, and just because different things happen don't mean good things happen. I'm not saying it's a bad song, I do enjoy it, but like with so much, I seem to be missing a wiring that makes this strike me.
Maiden epics often use the same ingredients. Not saying that therefore you have to like this one of course.
I can't find anything to say about that. What do you want to hear?
Not anything specifically really.

But if you want to know why I said that I could continue but I don't want to loose myself into a medal awarded discussion.
Go on if you like, I do kind of want to know why you said it. :p
I suddenly thought that Maiden and other bands also have "so much". So besides this aspect, there are probably other elements that are needed to make songs special to you. Basically this goes for everybody, including myself, so after all, this was not really an interesting observation.
Dracula is quite one dimensional if you ask me. In the couplets the vocals keep sticking to the same tones. And after the intro, there's a constant level of intensity and emotion. But oh well, some people dig monotony (vocals in The Talisman couplets). The bleating Blind Guardian chorus doesn't make it original for me either. I find the instrumental part tedious. And overall, there's too much repetition for my liking.
What do you mean by "one dimensional"? That's it's linear or are you referring to the monotony?

Stormrider - 6 votes
Wolf - 5 votes
Angels Holocaust - 4 votes

The Glorious Burden joins the game.
Red Baron/Blue Max

I hate this song so much, with all my heart, that I even can't vote for When the Eagle Cries next to it because it diminishes my hatred for it.
It's shit. It's got an awfully tacky riff, Ripper shouts uncontrolled, shrieks with even less control, the instrumental is an awful Maiden rip-off and the lyrics wouldn't even sound cool to a fifth grader. And the fact that it's a bad metal song about air combat adds insult to injury.
Pure Evil
The Phantom Opera Ghost
The Star-Spangled Banner
When the Eagle Cries
Red Baron/Blue Max
Hollow Man
Valley Forge