Historical Figures 20 Questions

Now that we've all given each other compliments, may I ask for the inquisition to continue?
Would I have called this man King, or would a different term (IE, Kaiser, Tsar, Czar, Csar, Tzar) have been more appropriate?
Forostar said:
Very funny LC, very funny.

You wasted a question :(
8. Yes, you would have called him King.

And I don't consider Foro's question wasted. There is a good number of countries that were monarchies in the 20th century but aren't anymore. Actually, I'd rather call Loosey's question wasted, because the titles he named are imperial titles, so I would have referred to him as "Emperor".
Well, there are terribly many left... Does a famous football club still has the name of this Kingdom?

edit: LC, your previous question was waste since Per made it clear that was a King, a few questions ago.
No, I know, but this person wasn't known for their work in the 20th century.  A reign would be considered work - or at least, it had better be.


Let's review: born after Jan 1, 1000, European, King, not a Kaiser or an Emperor or a Czar.  The monarchy is today extinguished.

Is the King French?
To summarize:

A non-French European King from 1500-1899, the monarchy is no longer existent.  No major football team is named after his Kingdom.
Hold on. I was mistaken with Foro's question. A major football team actually is named after his Kingdom. I misread and thought it was supposed to be named after him. Sorry for that fuckup. If you wish, you can pose new questions for nos 11 and 12.