Historical Figures 20 Questions v2

Just don't make this be all about American judges and Civil War generals again in the end, please. That's what killed my interest in the previous incarnation.

So we have a clean-shaven European man born after 1800 who was a scientist, but not a physicist, chemist or biologist, and he was not responsible for the deaths of people.

Is he known for work done primarily before the Second World War?
13. Not a philosopher.
14. Yes, mathematician.

15. It's a yes or no question, but hard to give a yes or no answer...
To the general population, he is best remembered for work related to WWII.
To mathematicians, he is equally well known for work preceding WWII.
Just don't make this be all about American judges and Civil War generals again in the end, please. That's what killed my interest in the previous incarnation.
I say the rule is that whoever picks MUST pick a different profession and country of origin/fame from the previous question.
The Civil War hasn't been nixed - just we aren't repeating Americana questions over and over.

We should also post some general definitions of what terms mean:

Known: The PRIMARY reason this person is important to history. Secondary reasons may be suggested. Few people are known for multiple roles - an example would be Gaius Julius Caesar, who was both a conqueror and the final dictator of the Roman Republic.

Politics: Having to do with ruling a nation or part of a nation. Subclasses include democratic politicians, dictators, royalty, and the Clintons.

Artist: Having to do with making any form of art, including, but not limited to: portraits, music, writing, movies, cave paintings, statues, and photoshop.

Military: Being involved with a nation's armed forces, or with the pre-national conquest of areas, but not from the political standpoint. IE: Barack Hussein Obama is the commander in chief of the US military, but would not fall under this category. A president such as Dwight D. Eisenhower, however, may get a tick for this, considering he did something of some note in World War 2. Conquerors, such as Genghis Khan or Atilla the Hun fall into the military category, despite all the arguments for them to be political.

Scientist: Any form of science, including practical science (engineering).