Historical Figures 20 Questions v2

Although born in Europe, was this person primarily famous for deeds performed in Asia?
Honestly, this makes me lean towards someone like Flavius Stilicho, but he was a Roman citizen (though many of his enemies considered him to be a non-Roman Goth). Hmmm. Anyone else wanna ask questions?
You were thinking in the right direction. Just not Europe or Asia... What's left?
Well, logically, that would rule out everywhere but Africa, unless you're suggesting that a non-Roman European crossed the ocean and made great campaigns in America.
After careful evaluation, I have selected a historical figure. This one is easy, so everyone should play.
Alright then, the number of famous females gets larger in more recent centuries, so let me guess a date that hopefully cuts the group in half.

Born on or after Jan 1, 1800 AD?