Detective Beauregard said:Guys the Janick thing was a joke, lighten up!
I love Janick; he's the "goofy" one on stage. I call the others "smiley" and "precision."
Ranko said:Kevin Shirley wrote in his diary that Bruce was dissatisfied with one particular solo that they recorded in Compass Point for this album, I remember someone here saying he thought it was Dave's solo in Coming Home, can that someone elaborate?
It also might not be this forum, so sorry if it wasn't![]()
it has always been that way. He used to write every other albumGalvanise_ said:Jan has contributed much more writing wise for the last three albums than Dave has. I wonder why he writes so little these days.
Jeffmetal said:
adrian fn rules said:All solo work is Adrian's for Isle of Avalon I can see how one might think that first portion is Davey but it's not...
Forostar said:I think Zare deserved a longer answer from my part. Here goes:
Why rule it out? That's the example of how it went when a guitarist does not contribute much in songwriting but still gets a fair share on the record.
H got his share on this song because Jan must have felt that if they would follow the rule "The ones who write way less songs should play way less solos on the album", it wouldn't be that cool. Now on the latest two records, I wonder if H has been as generous to Janick, as Janick was to H. This time Janick writes way less, but now he gets way less solos.
Look at Dave. He doesn't write much either but still gets a fair amount of solos.
Apparently someone in the band thinks the amount of guitarists is about the same as in the eighties.
I agree yes. And who knows, maybe this had to with Janick's hand injury, who knows. By the way, when we look at the songs which were finished as the last three -The Man Who Would Be King, The Alchemist and When The Wild Wind Blows- Jan plays a big role on the last two I mentioned. Besides his solo on his own co-written track he does the guitar melody under Bruce's voice, on Wild Wind. Still this doesn't explain his low amount of solos on the prevous album.
I think there's one particular song on the album that easily could have two solos (each the length of the recorded one): Mother Of Merci. That part is so cool, I'd love to have that extended. But you won't hear me complaining too much about that. In the past I thought some songs had too many songs, now this aspect is really well done.
They had at least some sense of balance (which has to do with mathematics) on the first two albums of this line-up.
Alright, so Janick must have missed some then.
Per, just read your post, if that's true I feel sorry for Janick that he played so bad. I mean, in the past it apparently went better. Or there were other norms.
Duojett71 said:I think this is being way over analyzed. From 'Dance Of Death' on Adrian has been the main composer in Maiden behind Steve Harris. If you look back at the Rock In Rio DVD, Adrians live lead work
was minimal compared to Dave and even Jannick. I think now what is going on is that Adrian is doing more lead work on the albums to even it out live. With the upcoming tour probably focusing on
the last two or three albums you will see it evened out somewhat. Adrian only played four solos on BNW....probably because he was rejoining and did not have current tenure in the band. Live what
really needs to happen is that Adrian should play all of his solos from the classic era instead of Jannick doing them or trying to double them over Adrian. Those solos are classic and Jannick does not do
the songs justice with them (i.e. Hallowed Be Thy Name", "Revelations", "Moonchild", "The Trooper", The Evil That Men Do", and some of the fills in "Wrathchild").
Don Dokken said:on top of that jan only gets a few solos on a album nowadays.As long as he plays his own solos live i'm fine.
Forostar said:1. Satellite 15... The Final frontier
(6:31 – Solo: Adrian Smith)
(7:00 – Solo: Dave Murray)
(7:50 – Solo: Adrian Smith)
2. El Dorado
(3:41 – Solo: Adrian Smith)
(3:53 – Solo: Dave Murray)
(4:05 – Solo: Janick Gers)
3. Mother of Mercy
(2:54 – Solo: Adrian Smith)
4. Coming Home
(3:31 – Solo: Dave Murray)
(3:59 – Solo: Adrian Smith)
5. The Alchemist
(3:05 – Solo: Janick Gers)
6. Isle of Avalon
(3:49 – Solo: Dave Murray)
(4:31 – Solo: Adrian Smith)
7. Starblind
(1:59 – Solo: Adrian Smith)
(2:34 – Solo: Adrian Smith)
(3:04 – Solo: Adrian Smith)
(4:15 – Solo: Adrian Smith)
(4:43 – Solo: Dave Murray)
(4:53 – Solo: Adrian Smith)
(5:47 – Solo: Adrian Smith)
8. The Talisman
(5:56 – Solo: Janick Gers)
9. The Man Who Would Be King
(3:57 – Solo: Dave Murray)
10. When The Wild Wind Blows
(4:42 – Solo: Adrian Smith)
(5:22 – Solo: Dave Murray)
(5:48 – Solo:Janick Gers) Dave Murray)
(8:39 – Solo: Janick Gers)
Mosh said:Oh wow I didn't know that. Thanks for the heads up!