Guess The Iron Maiden Song!

Here is the explanation of the clues :

Clue #1 : This picture is one of the best moments in the 1974's japanese animé movie "Jack And The Beanstalk". Jack is sitting on this pile of gold and is speaking with a talking lyra. Next to this instrument, there is a "golden goose". Refers to the verse "The Golden Goose is on the loose."

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Clue #2 : This song by AC/DC refers to the verse "We oil the jaws of the war machine."

Clue #3 : Refers to the verse "Let the creatures out, We'll show the unbelievers."

Clue #4 : This song by Iron Maiden is talking about war in Vietnam, in which the US army used some napalm bombs. It refers to the verse "Napalm screams of human flames."

Clue #5 : This clue is pretty obvious. The title of the column is using the words glamour, fortune and pain, exactly in the same order as in the verse "The glamour, the fortune, the pain."

Incorrect guesses : Virus /// Invaders /// Be Quick Or Be Dead /// Infinite Dreams /// The Aftermath /// Lord Of Light /// The Unbeliever /// The Evil That Men Do /// Tailgunner ///
Clue 1: Now, and also Now!

Clue 2: No More Chains!!!

Wrong-ass guesses: From Here to Eternity, Remember Tomorrow, Hell on Earth, Days of Future Past, The Wicker Man
Clue 1: Now, and also Now!

Clue 2: No More Chains!!!

Clue 3: A Dave Murray song

Wrong-ass guesses: From Here to Eternity, Remember Tomorrow, Hell on Earth, Days of Future Past, The Wicker Man, Clansman, Running Free, Hallowed