Guess The Iron Maiden Song!

Clue #1: Big (1988)
Clue #2: has my daughter been brought to the slaughter?
Clue #3:

Clue #4: Scream for me, Huntington Beach!
Clue #5: Spïnal Tap meets Leonardo Di Caprio

Incorrect guesses: Wasted Years/ The Longest Day/ Age of Innocence/ Only The Good Die Young/ The Evil That Men Do/ Childhood's End/ Bring Your the Slaughter/ Hooks In You/ Seventh Son of a Seventh Son/ Mother Russia/ From Here to Eternity
Clue #1: Big (1988)
Clue #2: has my daughter been brought to the slaughter?
Clue #3:

Clue #4: Scream for me, Huntington Beach!
Clue #5: Spïnal Tap meets Leonardo Di Caprio
Clue #6:

Incorrect guesses: Wasted Years/ The Longest Day/ Age of Innocence/ Only The Good Die Young/ The Evil That Men Do/ Childhood's End/ Bring Your the Slaughter/ Hooks In You/ Seventh Son of a Seventh Son/ Mother Russia/ From Here to Eternity/ Public Enema Number One/ Out of the Silent Planet/ Caught Somewhere in Time
Clue #1: Big (1988)
Clue #2: has my daughter been brought to the slaughter?
Clue #3:

Clue #4: Scream for me, Huntington Beach!
Clue #5: Spïnal Tap meets Leonardo Di Caprio
Clue #6:
Clue #7: the song is mostly about a domain in which one bandmember reached #7.

Incorrect guesses: Wasted Years/ The Longest Day/ Age of Innocence/ Only The Good Die Young/ The Evil That Men Do/ Childhood's End/ Bring Your the Slaughter/ Hooks In You/ Seventh Son of a Seventh Son/ Mother Russia/ From Here to Eternity/ Public Enema Number One/ Out of the Silent Planet/ Caught Somewhere in Time/ Fear is the Key/ The Talisman/ Fear of the Dark
Flash Of The Blade
Good guess!

Clue #1: Big (1988) > "you had to grow up early"
Clue #2: has my daughter been brought to the slaughter? > avenging one's loss (the main character's baby) by killing the culprits with a sword is the basis of the story in Kill Bill ("And now you'll wreak your vengeance in the screams of evil man.")
Clue #3:

> a still of Amerigo Bonasera pleading for Don Corleone's help in order to avenge his daughter being dishonored ("one man and his honour")
Clue #4: Scream for me, Huntington Beach! > Huntington Beach is where the American band Avenged Sevenfold is from, a band that covered "Flash on the Blade".
Clue #5: Spïnal Tap meets Leonardo Di Caprio > double reference to Smell the Glove and The Man in the Iron Mask ("The smell of resined leather / The steely iron mask")
Clue #6: > about a young boy who is risking getting addicted to opium (= to chase the dragon, in slang) ("As a young boy chasing dragons")
Clue #7: the song is mostly about a domain in which one bandmember reached #7. > Bruce Dickinson ranked as high as n°7 in fencing in the Uk in the early 90s.