Guess The Iron Maiden Song!

Weekend Warrior
Yes! :)

Clue #1

< one of the first pictures found on Google with the key words "Obama swag" // "Who are you kidding being that cool"

Clue #2: A line of the song mixes not too obvious references to the names of two Def Leppard albums.
<"And the game begins /The adrenalin's high" ... as in Adrenalize and High and Dry.

Clue #3: This song could be about an event that happened on a May 29th, seven years before said song was released.
< May 29th 1985 was the date of the Heysel Stadium disaster, during which British and Italian hooligans caused the death of 39 people, while 600 were injured. // "Weekend Warrior" is a song about hooliganism, and it was released in 1992.

Your turn, @Jer . ;)
I wonder who could be Wonder Woman in Iron Maiden... Bruce ? Maybe, as (s)he is always full of energy... Janick ? The same as Bruce and (s)he is a very talented ballerine... Nicko ? Well, (s)he's always wearing flashy shirts and likes shiny diamonds drums... :D

Though, none of them is as sexy as Gal Gadot... :facepalm:

But, I think that this song is surely talking about an amazing wonder woman called Charlotte. Am I right, @Jer ? If yes, so the song is 22 Acacia Avenue. :p

Nevertheless, the right answer could be found in Greek mythology because of the Amazons. And that's why it could also be Alexander The Great, because he was a fighter as Wonder Woman... :cool:

So, because the clue #1 is too obvious (it could be Charlotte but it is not), my answer is Alexander The Great. :dancinggeek:
No to all.

Clue #1:
Clue #2:

Incorrect guesses: From Here To Eternity, Speed Of Light, Can I Play With Madness, Alexander The Great
The Question character as a second clue. The obvious answer could be Can I Play With Madness ?, but it would be too evident.

Wonder Woman as a first clue could be taken by her initials WW, which could also be the initials for William Wallace of The Clansman.

BUT, that would be too easy.

The DC hero in the second clue reminds me of the guy of the single Stranger In A Strange Land. But as it's not a headbanger song, I'd say :

Caught Somewhere In Time (also for the reason that Gal Gadot was kind of lost in space-time continuum and because this song is a headbanger).
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No to all.

Clue #1:
Clue #2:
Clue #3:

Incorrect guesses: From Here To Eternity, Speed Of Light, Can I Play With Madness, Alexander The Great, Be Quick Or Be Dead, Caught Somewhere In Time, Powerslave