Guess The Iron Maiden Song!

Clue 1: In the lyrics to this Iron Maiden song, you’ll find the name of a well-known band. The name of this band’s latest studio album will guide you right back to the Maiden song you’re looking for.
Clue 2: The lyrics have a nautical metaphor.
Clue 3: The name of a mythical place appears in the lyrics. The name of this place might make you think of Genesis or Iron Butterfly - or a song by a big-selling act that has opened for Maiden on tour.

Not the one: Sea of Madness
Total Eclipse
Correct! Your turn.

Clues explained:

Clue 1: In the lyrics to this Iron Maiden song, you’ll find the name of a well-known band. The name of this band’s latest studio album will guide you right back to the Maiden song you’re looking for.
It's not the journey's end, it's just begun. Journey's last studio album is called "Eclipse".

Clue 2: The lyrics have a nautical metaphor.
Those who survive must weather the storm.

Clue 3: The name of a mythical place appears in the lyrics. The name of this place might make you think of Genesis or Iron Butterfly - or a song
by a big-selling act that has opened for Maiden on tour.
War babies in the Garden of Eden. A place from the Book of Genesis (clever, eh?). Iron Butterfly's only hit "In-Da-Gadda-Da-Vida" was named after a mis-pronunciation of Garden of Eden, whilst Guns'n' Roses has a song called "Garden of Eden"