Guess The Iron Maiden Song!

Mother of Mercy

Clue #1: From Nightwish’s “Tribal”, a song about the negative effects of religion. “Mother of Mercy” attacks religion as a source of war.

Clue #2: The opening line from Nightwish’s “The Kinslayer”. “Mother of Mercy” is a song about war.

Clue #3: From Nightwish’s “Weak Fantasy”, another song about religion’s ill effects on mankind. This line in particular shows it as a source for all kinds of war, which “Mother of Mercy” further supports.

Clue #4: From Nightwish’s “10th Man Down”, a song about a soldier being used as a pawn to further political gains he is not a part of... the very same sort of song that “Mother of Mercy” is.

Your turn!
Clue #1:

Clue #2: a farting news
Clue #1:


Clue #2: a farting news
Clue #3: Shine on, shine on

Incorrect guesses: Infinite Dreams/ Sea of Madness/ Different World/ The Fugitive/ Public Enema Number One
Clue #1:

Clue #2: a farting news
Clue #3: Shine on, shine on
Clue #4: ⋆⋆⋆⋆⋆⋆⋆

Incorrect guesses: Infinite Dreams/ Sea of Madness/ Different World/ The Fugitive/ Public Enema Number One/ The Trooper/ Sun and Steel/ Still Life