Guess The Iron Maiden Song!

Judgment Day

Clue #1: Poker Face - A reference to the lyric “no tell tale sign that can show he's full of lies”

Clue #2: Wider divide that you can’t see - In “The Thin Line Between Love And Hate” there’s a lyric “wider divide that you can see between good and bad”. By changing the “can” to “can’t”, this becomes a reference to the lyric “there are no marks upon a man that can say he's good or bad“.

Clue #3: Action, not words - A reference to the lyric “by your deeds you will be known”.

Clue #4: This song was written by one current member and one former member of the band - Janick Gers is current, Blaze Bayley is former.

Clue #5: The chorus of this song is made up of two lyrical lines, each repeated twice - The chorus is “What will you say / What will you say / On judgement day / On judgement day“.

Clue #6: Not of heaven - This song references judgement, but it’s not “Judgement Of Heaven” from the same songwriting sessions.

Your turn!
Clue 1: The first cue to this Maiden song can be found in the name of a single by a band that started up around the same time as Iron Maiden. This single was recorded in a recording facility also used by Maiden. The name of the single also provides a link to a later, and more commercially successful, album by this band.
No takers, really? Ok, here's another clue:

Clue 1: The first cue to this Maiden song can be found in the name of a single by a band that started up around the same time as Iron Maiden. This single was recorded in a recording facility also used by Maiden. The name of the single also provides a link to a later, and more commercially successful, album by this band.
Clue 2: The song has a distinct counterpart in the Maiden catalogue.
Clue 1: The first cue to this Maiden song can be found in the name of a single by a band that started up around the same time as Iron Maiden. This single was recorded in a recording facility also used by Maiden. The name of the single also provides a link to a later, and more commercially successful, album by this band.
Clue 2: The song has a distinct counterpart in the Maiden catalogue.
Clue 3: The chorus consists of a single line. A similar (but not identical) line also appears in one of Maiden’s most iconic songs.

Incorrect: Where Eagles Dare, Fear is the Key, Wasted Years
Clue 1: The first cue to this Maiden song can be found in the name of a single by a band that started up around the same time as Iron Maiden. This single was recorded in a recording facility also used by Maiden. The name of the single also provides a link to a later, and more commercially successful, album by this band.

Clue 2: The song has a distinct counterpart in the Maiden catalogue.

Clue 3: The chorus consists of a single line. A similar (but not identical) line also appears in one of Maiden’s most iconic songs.

Clue 4: The song has been played live and appears on more than one Maiden release. Moreover, it has been released under two (slightly) different names.

Incorrect: Where Eagles Dare, Fear is the Key, Wasted Years, Brave New World, Man on the Edge, The Wicker Man