1. Can’t you see it on the TV? —
That Girl was an American sitcom from the 1960s.
2. Can you hear me in the endless night alone...? — Lyrics from Blaze’s song “Calling You Home”. There’s a lyric in “That Girl” that goes, “Can you hear her call, call out your name?”
3. Between man and woman. — The song was performed by The Entire Population Of Hackney. Hackney is in Middlesex.
4. Turn on the radio. — The most popular version of the song was by FM.
5. Our Lord and Savior. — H was a main contributor to TEPOH.
6. One night (but not in Bangkok). — TEPOH did two shows, but their bootleg comes from only one of them.
7. Slave of brave new world. — It’s the b-side to “Stranger In A Strange Land”, which has the line, “No brave new world.”
8. Cry, baby, cry, cry, cry to Heaven. — “...cry without you...”
9. Repetition minus Steve. — The chorus is repetitive, but according to Maiden legend, ‘Arry isn’t on the recording.
10. The Crüe had 3; Maiden just 1. — “Girls, Girls, Girls” vs. “That Girl”.
Your turn!