Guess The Iron Maiden Song!

And we have a winner!

Clue #1: I can't get used to purgatory, you know it really makes me cry
Reference to the lyrics of Twilight Zone. But Twilight Zone is also a Golden Earring song. (oh vicious me :blueangel: )
Part of the lyrics of that song: It’s two A.M., the fear has gone.

Clue #2: Pictures of the flags of Armenia and Spanish football club Atletico Madrid
The abbreviation of both Armenia and Atletico Madrid: AM

Clue #3: When you're a stranger in a strange land: do you feel more like a prowler or a prisoner?
Prowler is the 1st song of the 1st album, The Prisoner is the 3d song of the 3d album, Stranger In A Strange Land the 6th song of the 6th album.
2 A.M. is the 10th song of the 10th album.

Clue #4: Picture of a tree with the words “The Writing”
Reference to the songwriting credits. It’s pun time! The writing tree can also be seen as the writing three: Blaze Bayley, Janick Gers and Steve Harris.
There was also a second clue: the “X” on the tree is a clear reference to The X Factor album.

Clue #5: The answer can be found between a helicopter and a doubting Thomas.
Reference to the place of the song on the album. In the intro of The Edge Of Darkness you can hear a flying helicopter.
A doubting Thomas is basically an unbeliever. 2 A.M. is the song between The Edge Of Darkness and The Unbeliever.

Clue #6: The song title only appears in the first line of the first verse.

Your turn @Jer !
No to all.

Clue #1: One lyric is the name of both a video game and a truck.
Clue #2: Trump and Biden walk into a casino...

Incorrect guesses: Women In Uniform, Running Free, Satellite 15...The Final Frontier, Prowler, El Dorado
No to all.

Clue #1: One lyric is the name of both a video game and a truck.
Clue #2: Trump and Biden walk into a casino...
Clue #3: O Holy Night

Incorrect guesses: Women In Uniform, Running Free, Satellite 15...The Final Frontier, Prowler, El Dorado, Sheriff Of Huddersfield, The Angel And The Gambler, Holy Smoke
Public Enema Number One

Clue #1: One lyric is the name of both a video game and a truck.Rolling Thunder was both an arcade game and the name of the ground support truck that complemented the helicopter Blue Thunder from the movie and TV show of that name.

Clue #2: Trump and Biden walk into a casino... — A reference to the lyric “the politicians gamble and lie to save their skins”.

Clue #3: O Holy Night — This song shares the lyric “fall on your knees” with “Public Enema Number One”.

Your turn!