Guess The Iron Maiden Song!

All guesses are wrong, the two new clues shall make it obvious I believe:

Clue #1: Panathinaikos B.C.
Clue #2: Duško Ivanović
Clue #3: 2014-15 Season
Clue #4: Player
Actually, let's scrap this altogether, now I'm rethinking the clues and they seem stupid, anyone can have the turn. The answer was "Bring Your Daughter To The Slaugher"... I was refering to a former player of Panathinaikos, A.J. Slaughter :facepalm:
Well the Wiki page on that season is wrong but if you go to the player's page it says he played for the team in 2014-15...

Anyways, anyone is free to take the turn.
Well, I might as well take the turn.

Clue #1: There is a line in the song that is pretty similar to something that Donald Trump might say.