Guess The Iron Maiden Song!

Clue 1: Thunderburst

Clue 2: This song's lyrics relate to the title of a multi-million selling album by another band, an album that features a song about a controversial U.S president. Maiden have in turn been inspired by this band when naming one of their own songs.

Clue 3: Some say that the opening line of the song is inspired by a song from a hugely popular soundtrack album that is very close to an anniversary these days.

Clue 4: The song has a distinct instrumental section, which Maiden later (arguably) replicated on a song on one of their less loved albums - fuelling a claim that they were seriously running out of ideas (at least by one critic).

Clue 5: The song shares its title with a number of novels and books from other genres, and also a film. However, these works did (probably) not inspire the Maiden song - instead, the similarity of these titles stems from a common source related to clue 1.

Clue 6: The album referred to in clue 2 spawned an iconic hit song that is resemblant to clue 1. Its video was shot at a London venue where Maiden have performed several times. The song’s producer (see clue 2) also went on to produce a 1993 smash hit for another famous rock band. The name of this hit, which was the first single off an album that sold more than 20 million copies worldwide, has a title that is similar to a line in the pre-chorus of the Maiden song in question. The producer died 20 years ago, almost 20 years after the soundtrack album in clue 3 was released.

Incorrect guesses: Losfer Words, Brighter Than a Thousand Suns, WTWWB, Lightning Strikes Twice, The Ides of March, Deja Vu, Stranger in a Strange Land, Wasted Years, Brave New World, Mother Russia, No More Lies, Isle of Avalon, Book of Souls, Remember Tomorrow, Prodigal Son, Heaevn Can Wait, The Fugitive, Edge of Darkness, The Legacy, Fates Warning
I thought I had it with TLOTLDR and Clue #4, with the tune that ressembles the chorus of "Judas Be My Guide", off 'one of of their less loved albums'. And still... ;)

EDIT: at least now I think I have the name of the producer...
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I don't have an answer for a lot of the clues, but I think clue 2 the Film is the Rose "Some say love, it is a razor " and the hit single in clue six is "living on the edge" by Aerosmith
I don't have an answer for a lot of the clues, but I think clue 2 the Film is the Rose "Some say love, it is a razor " and the hit single in clue six is "living on the edge" by Aerosmith
I think you got it: Get A Grip, with "Living On The Edge" as its first single, was produced by Bruce Fairbairn, who died in 1999. But I can't still make out which part Clue#4 is referring to, and especially, where it has been replicated.