Guess The Iron Maiden Song!

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Clue #1: Coming Home
Clue #2: A B-52
Clue #3: Here’s my gun for a barrel of fun
Clue #4: Matrix before The Matrix
Clue #5: (View attachment 11104)
Clue #6: Edina Monsoon after the police academy?

Incorrect guesses: Prodigal Son, Satellite 15, Where Eagles Dare, The Final Frontier, Mother Russia, The Loneliness Of The Long Distance Runner, Brighter Than A Thousand Suns, Rainbow’s Gold, Tailgunner, Iron Maiden, To Tame A Land, 2 Minutes To Midnight, When The Wild Wind Blows, Fortunes Of War, The Longest Day, Can I Play With Madness
No to all.

Clue #1: Coming Home
Clue #2: A B-52
Clue #3: Here’s my gun for a barrel of fun
Clue #4: Matrix before The Matrix
Clue #5: (View attachment 11104)
Clue #6: Edina Monsoon after the police academy?
Clue #7: Iron Maiden has played this song on Top Of The Pops

Incorrect guesses: Prodigal Son, Satellite 15, Where Eagles Dare, The Final Frontier, Mother Russia, The Loneliness Of The Long Distance Runner, Brighter Than A Thousand Suns, Rainbow’s Gold, Tailgunner, Iron Maiden, To Tame A Land, 2 Minutes To Midnight, When The Wild Wind Blows, Fortunes Of War, The Longest Day, Can I Play With Madness, Bring Your Daughter...To The Slaughter, Holy Smoke, Judgement Of Heaven
Women In Uniform
Correct! (Technically you guessed twice on the same clue, but I was past due to post another, so let’s assume this would have been your guess anyway.)

Clue #1: Coming Home - A reference to the lyric “Coming back to London on a 747”.

Clue #2: A B-52 - Another name for a beehive hairdo, referencing the lyric “beehive hairdo”.

Clue #3: Here’s my gun for a barrel of fun - A reference to the lyrics “.45 on the hip [...] then back to the bedroom for some house arrest”, and “Khaki jacket and a love gun / Baby, I surrender, let’s have some fun”

Clue #4: Matrix before The Matrix - Before the release of The Matrix, Arnold Schwarzenegger played a character named John Matrix in the movie Commando, a reference to the lyric “Commando raid on the Lebanese border”.

Clue #5: (View attachment 11104) - A reference to the lyric “sprained my right” (and also “broke my left leg” in the original Skyhooks version).

Clue #6: Edina Monsoon after the police academy? - Edina Monsoon was played by Jennifer Saunders. After going to the police academy, she would be a reference to the lyric “Patrolwoman Saunders, don’t you give her no whip”.

Clue #7: Iron Maiden has played this song on Top Of The Pops - Self-explanatory.

Your turn!
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Clue #1 : A fish with wings.

Incorrect guesses : Stranger in a Strange Land