Guess The Iron Maiden Song!

Clue #1: acne - naive - thaw
Clue #2: His Excellency
Clue #3: header

Incorrect guesses: Sheriff of Huddersfield/ Women In Uniform/ Running Free/ The Alchemist/ Lord of the Flies
Clue #1: acne - naive - thaw
Clue #2: His Excellency
Clue #3: header
Clue #4: Gotthard makes me go "Whoah!"

Incorrect guesses: Sheriff of Huddersfield/ Women In Uniform/ Running Free/ The Alchemist/ Lord of the Flies/ The Man Who Would Be King/ Public Enema Number One/ Wasted Years
Heaven Can Wait

Clue #1: acne - naive - thaw < this letter arrangement is the anagram of "Heaven Can Wait".
Clue #2: His Excellency < at the beginning of the 1943 film Heaven Can Wait, the main character meets His Excellency, aka the devil.
Clue #3: header < Steve does a nice header on a ball Bruce throws at him at the beginning of the Raising Hell version:
Clue #4: Gotthard makes me go "Whoah!" < the Gotthard Road Tunnel in Switzerland is the biggest in the world // "I see a tunnel I stand amazed"

Congrats Jer! Your turn. :)
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Time’s up!

Clue #1: Dumb And Dumber
Clue #2: Austin Powers 2 & 3

Incorrect guesses: Bring Your Daughter...To The Slaughter, Stranger In A Strange Land