Guess The Iron Maiden Song!

No to all.

Clue #1: The lyrics contain the title of an Urchin song.
Clue #2: The Prophecy

Incorrect guesses: Moonchild, Sheriff Of Huddersfield, Roll Over Vic Vella
No to all.

Clue #1: The lyrics contain the title of an Urchin song.
Clue #2: The Prophecy
Clue #3: No More Lies

Incorrect guesses: Moonchild, Sheriff Of Huddersfield, Roll Over Vic Vella, The Wicker Man, The Apparition, Flight Of Icarus
Time’s up!

Clue #1: The lyrics contain the title of an Urchin song.
Clue #2: The Prophecy
Clue #3: No More Lies
Clue #4: This is one of only 3 Maiden songs written by this songwriting team

Incorrect guesses: Moonchild, Sheriff Of Huddersfield, Roll Over Vic Vella, The Wicker Man, The Apparition, Flight Of Icarus, Judgement Of Heaven, Prowler
Chains of Misery.

Clue #1: The lyrics contain the title of an Urchin song — “There’s a madman in the corner of your eye”

Clue #2: The Prophecy — A reference to the lyric “There's a prophet in the gutter in the street / He says ‘you're damned’ and you believe him”

Clue #3: No More Lies — A reference to the lyric “He lies to you, he won't let you be”

Clue #4: This is one of only 3 Maiden songs written by this songwriting team — Dickinson and Murray have only co-written three Maiden songs as a pair: “Public Enema Number One”, “Judas Be My Guide”, and “Chains Of Misery”.

Well done. Your turn!