Guess The Iron Maiden Song!

Clue #1: "Don't worry, dear..."
Clue #2: "Sing with me, sing for the years"
Clue #3: different but important
Clue #4: PEK to LAX
Clue #5:

Incorrect guesses: Hooks in You/ Caught Somewhere in Time/ Dreams of Mirrors/ Tears of a Clown/ Empire of the Clouds/ The Legacy/ Different World/ Iron Maiden/ Coming Home/ Flight of Icarus
Clue #1: "Don't worry, dear..."
Clue #2: "Sing with me, sing for the years"
Clue #3: different but important
Clue #4: PEK to LAX
Clue #5:


Clue #6: Sally

Incorrect guesses: Hooks in You/ Caught Somewhere in Time/ Dreams of Mirrors/ Tears of a Clown/ Empire of the Clouds/ The Legacy/ Different World/ Iron Maiden/ Coming Home/ Flight of Icarus/ Bring Your Daughter... To The Slaughter/ Holy Smoke/ The Assassin
Clue #1: "Don't worry, dear..."
Clue #2: "Sing with me, sing for the years"
Clue #3: different but important
Clue #4: PEK to LAX
Clue #5:

Clue #6: Sally
Clue #7: Robert Budd Dwyer

Incorrect guesses: Hooks in You/ Caught Somewhere in Time/ Dreams of Mirrors/ Tears of a Clown/ Empire of the Clouds/ The Legacy/ Different World/ Iron Maiden/ Coming Home/ Flight of Icarus/ Bring Your Daughter... To The Slaughter/ Holy Smoke/ The Assassin/ Children of the Damned/ Charlotte The Harlot
Clue #1: "Don't worry, dear..."
Clue #2: "Sing with me, sing for the years"
Clue #3: different but important
Clue #4: PEK to LAX
Clue #5:

Clue #6: Sally
Clue #7: Robert Budd Dwyer
Clue #8: "another notch on their guns" for Bruce, "Another Piece of Meat" for Scorpions
Clue #9:

Incorrect guesses: Hooks in You/ Caught Somewhere in Time/ Dreams of Mirrors/ Tears of a Clown/ Empire of the Clouds/ The Legacy/ Different World/ Iron Maiden/ Coming Home/ Flight of Icarus/ Bring Your Daughter... To The Slaughter/ Holy Smoke/ The Assassin/ Children of the Damned/ Charlotte The Harlot/ Face in the Sand/ Public Enema Number One
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Wasting Love
Correct! :)

Clue #1: "Don't worry, dear..." < the opening words of Queensrÿche's "Best I Can" (// "Up till now I'm doing the best I can")
Clue #2: "Sing with me, sing for the years" < words from Aerosmith's "Dream On" (// "Dream on brothers, while you can/ Dream on sisters, I hope you find the one")
Clue #3: different but important < in the introductory speech from A Real Live One, Bruce says "cette chanson, c'est un peu différent pour nous de faire *cette type de chanson mais c'est important car il est une chanson qui est... pour le coeur"
Clue #4: PEK to LAX < airport codes for Beijing and Los Angeles, in other words, "long days, of sunrise, to sunset"
Clue #5:

< a possible illustration of "in your eyes I see the hunger"

Clue #6: Sally < the name of the girl that the protagonist of the video is getting tattoed (it also appears on the cover of the single, though decipherable with difficulty 10279)
Clue #7: Robert Budd Dwyer < the American politician who committed suicide live on TV back in 1987. This has been the subject of a documentary called Honest Man: The Life of R. Budd Dwyer (2010) (// "Maybe one day I'll be an honest man")
Clue #8: "another notch on their guns" for Bruce, "Another Piece of Meat" for Scorpions < Bruce Dickinson has said (in the biography Infinite Dreams) that this song was about how having as many groupies as possible during the first American tours matched the groupies' challenge to have as many rock stars as possible as notches on their bedposts.
Clue #9:
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< a possible illustration of the title itself
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