Guess The Iron Maiden Song!

Hallowed be thy name? "When the priest comes to read me the last rites ..."
Somebody please tell me that I'm dreaming
It's not easy to stop from screaming
The words escape me when I try to speak
Tears flow, but why am I crying
After all I'm not afraid of dying
But I believe your guesses are at an end
Satellite 15... The Final Frontier
I've had a good ride, I'd do it again
Maybe I'll come back sometime afresh other words, correct!

Clue #1: A trio at the front
— If I counted right, the 15th satellite to be successfully launched from Earth was “Vanguard 3”.

Clue #2: Mercurial — Like Mercury, “too close to the sun, I surely will burn”.

Clue #3: Limited freedom — A reference to the lyric “with very little choice”.

Clue #4:

— A screen shot from the forthcoming game Death Stranding, a reference in this case to the lyric “I’m stranded in space, I’m lost without trace, I haven’t a chance of getting away”.

Clue #5: Crusader sequel — The sequel to the game Crusader: No Remorse was Crusader: No Regret, a reference to the lyric “for I have lived my life to the full, I have no regrets”.

Clue #6: ...Loved To Deth — The second half of Megadeth’s “Last Rites / Loved To Deth”, which is a reference to the lyric “there isn’t much time, must say my last rites”.

@Diesel 11 ’s turn.
Sea of Madness ("A tyranny of souls...a pentecost" > the dove is a symbol of Pentecost and features in the SiT song: "like the eagle and the dove")
Sea of Madness ("A tyranny of souls...a pentecost" > the dove is a symbol of Pentecost and features in the SiT song: "like the eagle and the dove")
It’s madness... the sun don’t shine
On the sea of madness
There ain’t no way to guess your answer rightly
On towards the truth we go!

Clue #1: A Tyranny Of Souls.
Clue #2: Cheap pepper knock-offs.

Bullshit: Breeg / Sea of Madness
Oh the mess you’re in.

Clue #1: A Tyranny Of Souls.
Clue #2: Cheap pepper knock-offs.
Clue #3: Finding Dory.

Bullshit: Breeg / Sea of Madness /Dr Dr/
Clue #1: A Tyranny Of Souls.
Clue #2: Cheap pepper knock-offs.
Clue #3: Finding Dory.
Clue #4: These colours don't fucking run from you.

Bullshit: Breeg / Sea of Madness /Dr Dr/ Boots / Empire of the Tears of a Clown Cloud / 22AA