Guess The Iron Maiden Song!

Clue #1: Predator
Clue #2: no match for our muskets
Clue #3: High Noon

Incorrect guesses: The Mercenary/ Prowler/ Quest For Fire/ Run To The Hills/ Mother Russia/ The Final Frontier/ Aces High
That’s reminding me of White Zombie’s “Black Sunshine”, so I’ll guess “Brighter Than A Thousand Suns”.
@karljant Not sure if you also suggested "BTASS"... Anyway, the right answer hasn't still been given yet.

Clue #1: Predator
Clue #2: no match for our muskets
Clue #3: High Noon
Clue #4:

Incorrect guesses: The Mercenary/ Prowler/ Quest For Fire/ Run To The Hills/ Mother Russia/ The Final Frontier/ Aces High/ 2 Minutes to Midnight/ Rime of the Ancient Mariner/ The Duellists/ Brighter Than A Thousand Suns
Back In The Village, I'm Back In The Village, Back In The Village, Again
You win. :)

Clue #1: Predator > "There's a fox among the chickens"
Clue #2: no match for our muskets > "White flags shot to ribbons" matches this classic Simpsons moment:
Clue #3: High Noon > The subtitle to the main song of the movie is "Do Not Forsake Me Oh My Darling". A band by this name has released a song called "Questions are a burden".
Clue #4:
> "Throwing dice now"
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When I put the pieces together Clue #2 didn't fit but yeah... all the others were pretty much what I thought.

Well let's see:

Clue #1: E