Guess The Iron Maiden Song!

Who is he who claims for me
As my words begin to fail ?
Must I ride a bike to know him
And know all the the stars by name?

Touch the sun like an eagle you may
Yet nothing can take you down this time
And though sorrounded by fire and flame
Be sure you won't taste the reaper's scythe

Hear my words for no lies they bear
Some traits with others of my kind I share
Namely those who are shaped by disgrace
And the clergyman's untamable pace

Behold me and my whole clan as your destiny we bring
Ready to attack they crouch while I'm outstretched and tight
The smalest's my new born son, my wife is by his side
The tallest is the virtue and the last one made you king


#1 is mainly colored in Pink at its youngest incarnation
Apples and Nobel are surely part of #2's interpretation
Two of "Paul's" solo tunes and leather will decode #3
And #4 is on your keyboard if you're writting properly

Clue#7: who's the man on the right?

Clue#8: Live my life alone in resignation... arms outstretched for those who cannot see

WG: Iron Maiden, The Alchemist, From here to eternity, The Final Frontier, If Eternity Should Fail, Fear of the Dark, Bring Your Daughter... To The Slaughter, Charlotte the Harlot, FTGGOG, The Talisman, Purgatory, Total Eclipse, Genghis Khan, Alexander The Great, Seventh Son Of A Seventh Son, 22 Acacia Avenue, Sun And Steel, The Clansman, Isle Of Avalon, Quest For Fire, Man On The Edge, Face In The Sand, Flight Of Icarus, Weekend Warrior, Judgement Of Heaven, When The River Runs Deep, The Reincarnation Of Benjamin Breeg, Hllowed Be Thy Name, The Thin Line Between Love And Hate

Clue#9: Celtic? You bet! Frost? Quite the opposite!
Ugh, I hope it’s not The Wicker Man...

But indeed it is my friend...

This clue is about the verses "Your tongue has frozen now" - (words begin to fail) and "The piper at the gates of dawn is calling you his way" - Pink Floyd's first album (Piper At The Gates Of Dawn) starts with the song Astronomy Domine and ends with the song Bike (thus stars and bikes)

"Say goodbye to gravity" (Touch the sun like an eagle you may yet nothing can take you down this time)
"You watch the world exploding every single night" (And though sorrounded by fire and flame)
"say goodbye to death Hello to eternity and live for every breath " (Be sure you won't taste the reaper's scythe)

There are indeed some traits on The Wicker Man that remind other songs: like The Man Of Sorrows (those who are shaped by disgrace), Dickinson also has a song in his solo reportoire named Wicker Man. The Second trait is the plagi... ehem... similarities with Priest's (the clergyman) song Running Wild (untamable pace... check the lyrics) main riff.

This enigma's key are the words hand and fingers - regardinging the line "Hand of fate is moving and the finger points to you". Here the "narrator" of these verses is the index finger of the "Hand Of Fate" (me and my whole clan as your destiny we bring). All other fingers are making a fist (Ready to attack they crouch) except the index that, as the song says "points to you" (I'm outstretched and tight) . The following clues are indeed describing the remaining fingers: baby finger (The smalest's my new born son), Ring finger (my wife is by his side), midle finger (The tallest is the virtue) and finally the thumb, one of the anatomical traits that made mankind the dominant species (and the last one made you king)

The gentleman looking at a modern basketball backboard is none other than the person who invented the sport: James Naysmith. And during the early years the rim was literally a wicker basket.

Here I give some additional hints to the first 4 clues: #1 I mention Pink in an allusion to Pink Floyd - with a capital P like the character of The Wall- and their first album (youngest incarnation). In #2 apples regard gravity (Newton's story) and Nobel (who invented dynamite) is a reference to explosions. Regarding #3 "Paul" is in comas for a reason: the 2 songs I'm talking about are taken from Dickinson's solo carreer (as you know his 1st name is Paul but he dislikes it) and Hell Bent For Leather was the american title of the album that featured the song Running Wild. And #4 ... normally you type with your fingers.

Clue#7: A little phonetical game: the man on the right is indeed the weaker man.

Clue#8: Verses from Ministry's song Scarecrow (that, besides being made out of straw and sometimes wicker, the wicker man really resembles a big scarecrow)

Clue#9: The Celtic druids indeed used the Wicker Man to make burnt sacrifices (therefore nothing to do with frost)

Congrats... your turn.
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No to all.

Clue #1: David Koresh
Clue #2: Wolverine starring in The Loneliness Of The Long Distance Runner?

Incorrect guesses: For The Greater Good Of God, Alexander The Great, Seventh Son Of A Seventh Son, The Prophecy
No to all.

Clue #1: David Koresh
Clue #2: Wolverine starring in The Loneliness Of The Long Distance Runner?
Clue #3: Dead Again

Incorrect guesses: For The Greater Good Of God, Alexander The Great, Seventh Son Of A Seventh Son, The Prophecy, Wrathchild, Brighter Than A Thousand Suns, The Talisman