Guess The Iron Maiden Song!

Run to the Hills (with cowboy McCoy, Ryan Gosling, Led Zeppelin, Halford, LA trashers, all Greece '93 generation, Hetfield, Paradise Lost book or band)…run for your life
Clue #1: Halford had its share but i would pay more atention to the L.A. thrashers' ones.
Clue #2: One of "Cowboy McCoy"s greatest hits.
Clue #3: Ryan Gosling, Paradise Lost, Terence Hill, James Hetfield, Led Zeppelin, Clint Eastwood and this narrator are devoid of the same thing.
Clue #4: Find me in 1993 at Greece... between the swamp and a funeral

WG: Running Free, Blood Brothers, Remember Tomorrow, Powerslave, Blood Brothers, Stranger in a strange land, , Rime Of The Ancient Mariner, Where Eagles Dare, To Tame A Land, Run To The Hills, The Trooper

Clue #5: Just to clarify things a bit... Clue#1 deals with lack of sound, Clue#2 deals with low pitch, Clue#3 deals with titles and clue#4 deals with obscure metal.
Bingo ;)

1- Both Halford and Slayer have songs named Silent Scream (the former is actual in the plural but you get the point) and the later's lyrics deal with stillborns and abortion. This is a reference to the multiple times Lucifer urges the 7th son's mother to kill him before he's born.
2- Field Of The Nephilim's greatest hit was arguably "Moonchild". The lead vocalist, Carl McCoy was known by his extremely low pitch voice and Spaghetti Western visual on stage.
3- "Forgiveness" is the common word here, regarding both music (Paradise Lost - No Forgiveness, Metallica - The Unforgiven, Led Zeppelin - No Quarter) and movies (Only God Forgives, God Forgives I Don't and Unforgiven). A nod to the lyrics "You beg Forgiveness and none I'll give"
4- Greek Black/Doomsters Varathron released their debut back in 1993 (His Majesty At The Swamp). The 1st track of the said record is the title track, the 3rd is "Unholy Funeral" and the 2nd is ... "Son Of The Moon"
5- Self explanatory

Congrats... your turn!
Clue #4 was the one that gave it away for me. I literally googled "1993 greece swamp funeral" and came up with Varathron's album, which "coincidentally" had a song called "Son of the Moon". :P

Give me 12 hours. If I can't come up with anything, someone else can take my turn.